694.001/4–951: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald)


Topad 1441. For Sebald from Dulles. As you know, UK is preparing its own Treaty draft1 and arrangements are now under consideration for some UK Foreign Office people to come to Washington with it shortly in hope that divergencies between UK and US positions can be brought to minimum. In this connection we feel it wld be most helpful if there cld be present in Washington some rep of Jap Govt who cld be consulted from time to time and who wld be in position to indicate points on which Jap wld be willing to make concessions in interest of UK participation. It wld be desirable that there be minimum of publicity concerning such person being in Washington and it wld therefore probably be impossible to have someone such as Iguchi, whose departure from Tokyo cld not be kept quiet. On other hand, it is important that whoever comes shld be fully aware of Jap Govt viewpoint and be in a position to express it dependably. It is possible that if it shld be decided to send someone to Washington, he cld be attached to proposed Overseas Trade Office shortly to be set up here.

[Page 968]

We think it important that Japs should take some of responsibility of determining to what extent demands of other govts shld be acceded to in an effort to have a Treaty agreed to by as many powers as possible and that whole burden of making these decisions shld not rest solely upon US.

Let us have your comments and suggestions soon as possible. [Dulles.]

  1. See footnote 2, p. 979.