751G.551/9–1851: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon
389. De Lattre visit proceeding as scheduled. Gen warmly recd and reactions very favorable. New York arrival followed by dinner given by first Army Chief successful and well covered by press. Brilliant welcome Wash airport with full mil honors. Only civilians in mil receiving line were Bonnet, Montcel, Merchant, Bonbright and Heath.
On call at White House and during mtg with Secy on fourteenth de Lattre emphasized “oneness” of anti-Commie struggle Korea, Europe and IC. Pointed out importance Tonkin as barrier against further Commie advance southward and described great loss to west if through fall of IC, SEA shld be seized by Commies. Pres expressed warm [Page 516] interest in General’s exegesis and replied U.S. will continue to aid Fr in IC struggle. Secy also reiterated U.S. awareness importance IC and intention continue contributions toward solution jointly desired by U.S. and Fr.
Working level MDAP mtg 15th attended by State–Defense officials. Fr stated higher priority required for mil shipments IC as present delivery sched unsatis and not in accord with progressive requirements nat armies now being formed nor permit adequate arms Fr reinforcements now arriving IC.
Evening 15th de Lattre and party entertained at stag dinner by Cambodian Min Kimny and FonMin Phleng. Guests included Viet Del and Dept officials.
On 16th de Lattre appeared on “Meet the Press” television show. Reaction his presentation favorable with estimated ten to twelve million audience. Although somewhat nervous, Gen made excellent presentation in English in response provocative questions. Points covered are: (1) Reemphasized “one war” theme. (2) Admitted had come to seek additional mil aid in form equipment for Fr and Associated States but not to ask for Amer soldiers. (3) Stated MAAG not assisting in training of troops but had been of considerable assistance in supply and use of mil matériel. Praised Brink highly. (4) Complimented Viets on their competence as soldiers. (5) In event overt Chi invasion wld seek fon assistance through U.N. (6) Described contd presence Fr troops IC as obligation of France to protect newly acquired independence of Associated States. He stated remaining Fr interests IC cld not otherwise justify losses of 38,000 men including 1,000 young officers and heavy expenditures since 1946. (7) Hoped gradually to withdraw Fr troops as local armies complete training and assume defense responsibilities in order Fr may fulfill her obligations in Europe. (8) Opined IC conflict cld be successfully concluded within minimum months to maximum “perhaps one to two years” provided no further Chi intervention beyond assistance now being given Viet Minh by Chi Commies. Gen particularly adamant in assurance he cld defeat opposition if given adequate equipment. (9) Agreed with Mac-Arthur statement that center of principal Commie effort has moved to southern area of Far East. (10) Pointed out Sov requirements of additional manpower. Only remaining source large nr young men in SEA. The Gen therefore expected principal Commie effort in this direction but remarked Commies will only attack positions of weakness.
Mtgs continuing 17th between de Lattre and Dept and between Allard and MDAP. Results will be reported.
Sent to AmLegation Saigon 389; rptd info AmEmbassy Paris 1641.