No. 374

752.00/3–2651: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Portugal 1

secret   priority

350. ReDeptel 344, rptd London 4317, Madrid 638, Mar 23.2 Portuguese Ambassador today made direct inquiries whether Span Govt had given assurances to Griffis as reported in press. He particularly inquired whether Span Govt had indicated desire for direct agreement between US, Spain and Portugal as best method Span participation in defense West Europe.

Dept emphasized that views given Griffis by Span Govt were confidential and entirely preliminary and informal. Any further developments wld have to be preceded here by most intensive study within Govt and that what had taken place so far cld not be considered more than clarification of attitude of Span Govt toward general problem of defense of West Europe. Portuguese Ambassador was given substance of Depcirtel 5553 in most general manner and it was specifically pointed out that this Govt had not raised any question of Portuguese participation in any agreement and it did not consider that the mention of Portugal by Span Govt cld be taken as other than conjecture by Span Govt. In reply to Portuguese Ambassador’s direct question whether Griffis had spoken with Franco, he was informed in affirmative. Portuguese Ambassador said that his Govt wld undoubtedly have received advice from Madrid re this conversation but it wld be most helpful for it to have confirmation in order to evaluate what Span Govt may have told them.

In view above development Dept leaves it to your discretion whether to take initiative in providing info Depcirtel 555 to Portuguese Govt.4

  1. Drafted by Byington and repeated to London for Spofford and to Madrid.
  2. In telegram 344, Embassy officials in Portugal were urged not to volunteer any information to Portuguese officials regarding the recent conversation between Ambassador Griffis and Generalissimo Franco at Madrid in view of the “involved situation” then existing with the British and French over the issue of Spanish inclusion in the Western defense system. (752.00/3–2151)
  3. Circular telegram 555 repeated verbatim the summary of the Griffis-Franco talks given to British Counselor Burrows on March 16; see the memorandum of conversation, supra. (752.00/3–1951)
  4. On March 27 and again on April 9, Ambassador MacVeagh reported that the Portuguese Foreign Minister and the Secretary General had made personal inquiries concerning the Griffis-Franco talks. Ambassador MacVeagh had responded, in accordance with this telegram, by giving the Foreign Minister the information contained in circular telegram 555 in the form of an aide-mémoire. In addition, Mac-Veagh informed the Department of State that in response to the Foreign Minister’s query as to what Portugal “could usefully do to hasten a rapprochement between the United States and Spain,” he had replied “that in my personal view she would best serve all concerned by taking no initiative along this line.” (Telegram 378, March 27, 752.00/3–2751; despatch 636, April 9, 611.52/4–951)