740.00/11–1051: Telegram
The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Acting Secretary of State 1
2785. Re London’s 22562 to Dept, 991 to Paris, Strasbourg 3. In discussion with Paris Secy Gen of Council of Europe, on Nov 9 Senator Green as leader US Congressional del mtg with Council of Europe Assembly del agreed in principle on breakdown of agenda for mtgs that was proposed by Assembly’s officers November 3, except for change in title first item.
First item originally entitled “General Debate” has tentatively been given new title “Significance of the Mtg”. This was American suggestion based on fear that “General Debate” might mean miscellaneous [Page 64] debate. It is understood that this will be opportunity for discussion of general political framework for Europe, and that Europeans plan query exact significance of three FonMins Washington declaration Sept 14, with respect “continental European community” close association of UK with it and umbrella of Atlantic community. Congressional views as to timetable and membership envisaged when Congress included words “political federation” as one of our objectives for Europe in Mutual Security Act also likely to be raised.
Delegation has been briefed disinclination many continentals proceed with federation in which UK not a member.
Remaining four items of projected breakdown are fol: Political aspects of joint defense of Europe, economic aspects and affects of rearmament, dollar gap and trade between Eastern and Western Europe and refugees and immigration.
We understand that Reynaud and Finn Moe (if latter able to be present) will introduce first topic for European del and Green and Cox for US. Green and Cox are requesting each of their colleagues be prepared on one of remaining topics.
US group has not suggested any additional items for discussion.
Riddleberger, Political Advisor OSR is accompanying US delegation.