740.00/11–2051: Telegram
The Consul at Strasbourg ( Andrews) to the Acting Secretary of State 1
51. Although slow in getting underway debates now proceeding between congressional and Assembly dels are gaining momentum and showing promise along lines envisaged by Consultative Assembly. Initial hesitancy and reluctance congressional del arising from uncertainty as to purpose and scope of meetings was evidenced in del meeting held shortly after arrival at Strasbourg and at first sitting afternoon 19 but were largely dispelled by conf with Spaak, Layton and others and by speeches made yesterday afternoon by Spaak, Reynaud and Moe.
[Page 65]In first address afternoon 19 Green reiterated points made in press interview upon arrival at Strasbourg, namely that US deeply interested in European unity but US del not here to tell how it should be achieved and that US del would speak as individuals representing two polit parties and many shades of opinion in US. He cited terms of Mutual Security Act as encouragement econ unification and Polit Federation of Europe. Having given Benelux union, Schuman Plan, and European Army as evidences progress in Union of Europe, he said “if you cannot move forward on a broad front then I believe you should move salient by salient”.
In forceful and frank enunciation of American viewpoint Rep Smith this morning expressed personal interest and that of US in “complete Federation of Europe”. (He later explained in reply to question from Ital del Treves that he had expressed his personal views and that if ideal of complete unification could not be approached Amers hoped that “you will as quickly as possible attain that which is practicable.”)
He suggested that Council Europe del give indication not only their own views but also official views their govts concerning European Union and also how US might help in encouraging Eur Federation. These suggestions have borne fruit in replies by Council Europe dels and specific endorsement by Reynaud Amer del entitled to know official attitudes. Ellsworth outlined personal views on practical Union of Europe urging early enactment in European countries of laws to carry out pledges made by European countries in accepting Marshall aid such as reduction trade and tariff barriers, obstacles to free movement of persons in Europe, etc.
In answer to Smith’s request for expression official govt views Layton explained that UK as whole and regardless of party differences was unwilling to hand over its sovereignty to “untried Parliament” and quoting Green’s “salient by salient” phrase asserted that UK was firmly determined to support European Union through functional approach. He said that the one thing that CE asked of US was understanding. In afternoon sitting Boothby stated that US alone could lend strength to a free democratic world. This assertion has been reiterated in other terms by several CE dels including Reynaud this afternoon who said that proof of European need of Amer encouragement for European unification could be found simply in varying and conflicting statements of opinion made at this meeting by such CE dels as Spaak, Boothby and Schmid. This afternoon McMahon made speech which was well received explaining US position re world peace, atomic weapons and disarmament.
- Repeated to all NATO missions except Ottawa and Lisbon, and to Vienna and Bonn. Pouched to missions in other countries who were members of the Council of Europe.↩