Editorial Note
On April 13 the Special Committee of the Allied High Commission held its first regular meeting to consider various papers dealing with contractual relations and to prepare a tripartite position for discussions with the Federal Republic. The minutes of this and 14 subsequent meetings during May, June, July, and August, designated by the series indicator SPCOM/M(51)1–15, are in the CFM files lot M–88, box 186, minutes of the mtgs of Special Committee. Participating for the United States were Samuel Reber, Director of Political Affairs, and Robert R. Bowie, Chief of the General Counsel Office, both in the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany; for [Page 1473] the United Kingdom, Con Douglas Walter O’Neill and Terence W. Garvey, both of the Political Directorate in the Office of the British High Commissioner for Germany; and for France, Henry Bayle and André Jacomet, both of the Political Directorate of the Office, of the French High Commissioner for Germany. These participants were joined from time to time by legal and economic experts from the Offices of their respective High Commissioners.