List of abbreviations, symbols, and code names
Editor’s Note.—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- ACA, Allied Control Authority for Germany
- ACC, Allied Control Council for Germany
- Actel, series indicator for telegrams from Secretary of State Acheson while away from Washington
- AEC, Atomic Energy Commission
- AF, Air Force
- AFHQ, Allied Force Headquarters, Mediterranean Theater (1943–1945)
- AFN, Armed Forces Network
- AG, Aktiengesellschaft (Joint Stock Company)
- AGCC, All–German Constituent Council
- AGSec, Allied General Secretariat, Allied High Commission for Germany
- AHC, Allied High Commission for Germany
- AIOC, Anglo–Iranian Oil Company
- AK, Allied Kommandatura for Berlin
- ALO, series indicator for military telegrams
- Amb, Ambassador
- AP, Associated Press
- A.P., Atlantic Pact (an informal reference to the North Atlantic Treaty)
- APO, Army Post Office
- ARA, Bureau of Inter–American Affairs, Department of State
- ARBIE, United States radio broadcast operations at Munich
- B/P, balance of payments
- BDL, Bank Deutscher Länder, West German financial institution
- BGA, an informal abbreviation for Bureau of German Affairs; see GER
- BHE, Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten (League of Expellees and Disfranchised)
- BIS, Bank of International Settlements
- BK, Berlin Kommandatura
- BL, Basic Law
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Department of State
- C of E, Council of Europe
- C of S, Chief of Staff
- CCS, Combined Chiefs of Staff
- CD, North Atlantic Council Deputies
- CDT (CMDT), Commandant
- CDU, Christlich–Demokratische Union (Christian Democratic Union)
- CET, Central European Time
- CFM, Council of Foreign Ministers
- CG, Commanding General
- CHU, Christian Historical Union, Netherlands political party
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIC, Counter Intelligence Corps
- CINC, Commander in Chief
- CINCAFE, Commander in Chief, United States Air Force, Europe
- CINCNELM, Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
- circtel (cirtel), circular telegram
- CMC, Collective Measures Committee, United Nations
- CoCom, Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations working to control export of strategic goods to Communist countries
- Cominform, Communist Information Bureau
- CTB, Combined Travel Board
- DC, Defense Committee, NATO; also series designation for documents of that committee
- DDR, Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic)
- DEF, Department of Defense
- DefMin, Defense Minister
- DefRep, Defense Representative
- DefSec, Secretary of Defense
- Deleg, Delegate; Delegation
- Delga, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly
- Dep, North Atlantic Treaty Council Deputy
- Depcirtel, Department of State circular telegram
- Depreftel, Department of State reference telegram
- Deptcir (Deptcirc), Department of State circular telegram
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- Depto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Deputy Representative to the North Atlantic Council
- DFEC, Defense Financial and Economic Committee, NATO
- DirGen, Director General
- DKV, Deutsche Kohleverein (German Central Coal Sales Agency)
- DOT, dependent overseas territory
- DP, Deutsche Partei (German Party)
- DP, displaced person
- DPA, Deutsche Presse Agentur (German Press Agency)
- DPB, Defense Production Board, NATO
- E, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- E/W, East–West
- EB, Executive Bureau, Temporary Council Committee, NATO
- ECA, Economic Cooperation Administration
- ECA/W, headquarters of the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington
- Ecato, series indicator for telegrams from the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington to its missions abroad
- ECC, European Coordinating Committee
- ECE, Economic Commission for Europe
- ED, European Defense
- EDC, European Defense Community
- EDF, European Defense Force
- EDT, Office of Economic Defense and Trade Policy, Department of State
- EE, Eastern Element, Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Berlin; also, Office of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State; Eastern Europe
- Embdesp, Embassy despatch
- Emboff, Embassy officer
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- EPU, European Payments Union
- ERP, European Recovery Program
- ETS, exploratory talks with the Soviet Union; also series designation for United States position papers prepared for the exploratory talks with the Soviet Union
- EuCom, European Command, United States Army
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State; Europe; European
- FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization
- FDGB, Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (Free German Trade Union League)
- FDJ, Freie Demokratische Jugend (Free Democratic Youth)
- FDP, Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party)
- FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State; Far East
- FEB, Financial and Economic Board, NATO
- FedRep, Federal Republic of Germany
- FEG, Finance and Economic Group, NATO
- FinCom, Finance Committee
- FinMin, Finance Minister
- FM, Foreign Minister
- FonAffs, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives
- FonMin, Foreign Minister
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FonRels, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
- FonSec, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- ForMin, Foreign Minister
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- G, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of State
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GADel, United States Delegation at the United Nations General Assembly; also Gadel, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation
- GDR, German Democratic Republic
- GEA, Office of German Economic Affairs, Department of State
- GER, Bureau of German Affairs, Department of State
- GFR, German Federal Republic
- GNP, gross national product
- GOI, Government of India
- GOP, Government of Pakistan
- GPA, Office of German Political Affairs, Department of State
- GTI, Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs, Department of State
- H, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations
- HAR, series indicator for telegrams to Washington from Harriman as Chairman of the Temporary Council Committee, NATO
- HICOG, United States High Commissioner for Germany
- HICOM, High Commission(er) for Germany
- HMG, His Majesty’s Government
- HPPP, High Priority Production Program
- IAC, Intelligence Advisory Committee
- IAR, International Authority for the Ruhr
- IARA, Inter–Allied Reparation Agency
- IBD, Division of International Broadcasting, Department of State
- IC, Indochina
- ILO, International Labor Organization
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- Indo, Indonesia
- infotel, information telegram
- INS, International News Service
- intel, circular information telegram
- IRO, International Refugee Organization
- ISA, Office of International Security Affairs, Department of State
- ISAC, International Security Affairs Committee
- ISG (G), Intergovernmental Study Group on Germany
- IZT, Interzonal trade agreement (Germany)
- JAMAG, Joint American Military Advisory Group
- JAMMAT, Joint American military Mission for Aid to Turkey
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JEIA, Joint Export–Import Agency
- JP, Jung Pionier (Young Pioneer)
- KDP, Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Communist Party of Germany)
- L/EUR, Assistant Legal Adviser for European Affairs, Department of State
- LA, Latin America
- LDP, Liberal–Demokratische Partei (Liberal Democratic Party)
- LOC, line of communication
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MAP, Military Assistance Program
- MB, Munitions Board
- MC, Military Committee, NATO
- MDAA, Mutual Defense Assistance Act
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- ME, Middle East
- MEC, Middle East Command
- MEDB, Middle East Defense Board
- MEDLO, Middle East Defense Liai on Organization
- MG, Military Government
- MilCom, Military Committee, NATO
- MPSB, Military Production and Supply Board, NATO
- MRC, Military Representatives Committee, NATO
- MRP, Mouvement Républicain Populaire, French political party
- MSA, Mutual Security Agency
- MSB, Military Security Board
- MSP, Mutual Security Program
- MT (MTP, MTDP), Medium Term Defense Plan, NATO
- MTB, motor torpedo boat
- mytel, my telegram
- NA, North Atlantic
- NAC, North Atlantic Council
- NACD (NACDep), North Atlantic Council Deputies
- NAO, North Atlantic Ocean
- NAORPG, North Atlantic Ocean Regional Planning Group
- NAT (O), North Atlantic Treaty (Organization)
- NATFEB, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Financial and Economic Board
- NATIS, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Information Service
- NATP, North Atlantic Treaty Pact
- NCA, National Constituent Assembly
- NE, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State; Near East
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State
- NECDB, Near East Cooperative Defense Board
- niact, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NIOC, National Iranian Oil Company
- NKVD, Soviet secret police
- NRW, Nordrhein–Westfalen
- NSC, National Security Council
- ODM, Office of Defense Mobilization
- OEEC, Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- OLC, Office of the Land Commissioner
- OMP, Office of International Materials Policy, Department of State
- OOF, Office of Operating Facilities, Department of State
- OSP, off-shore procurement
- OSR, Office of the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- ourtel, our telegram
- PanAm, Pan American World Airways
- PAO, Public Affairs Officer
- PBOS, Planning Board for Ocean Shipping, NATO
- PC, participating country
- PCC, Palestine Conciliation Commission (United Nations)
- PED, Petroleum Policy Staff, Department of State
- PEPCO, Political and Economic Projects Committee, Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany
- PLI, prohibited and limited industries
- PM, Prime Minister
- PolAd, Political Adviser
- PolCom, Political Committee
- PriMin, Prime Minister
- PW, Prisoner of War
- PWS, Permanent Working Staff
- RA, Office of European Regional Affairs, Department of State
- RCT, Regimental Combat Team
- reDeptel, regarding Department of State telegram
- reEmbtel,, regarding Embassy telegram
- refcirtel, reference circular telegram
- reftel, reference telegram
- RelCom, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
- remytel, regarding my telegram
- Repna, series indicator for telegrams on matters dealing with NATO from the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- Repsec, series indicator for telegrams to the Secretary of State from the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- Repto, series indicator for messages to the Economic Cooperation Administration headquarters in Washington from the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948; also series indicator for messages from the United States Delegation at the Temporary Council Committee, NATO, to the Department of State
- reurtel, regarding your telegram
- RFE, Radio Free Europe
- RGR, Rassemblement des Gauches Républicaines, French political party
- RIAS, Rundfunk im Amerikanischen Sektor (United States Radio in the American Sector of Berlin)
- RM, raw materials
- ROK, Republic of Korea
- R-P, Rhineland–Palatinate
- RPF, Rassemblement du Peuple Français, French political party
- RPTS, series designation for reports prepared in the Department of State for use in possible talks with the Soviet Union n the spring of 1951
- S/A, Ambassador at Large, Department of State
- S/Def, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- S/ISA, Office of International Security Affairs, Department of State
- S/MDA, Office of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, Department of State
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- SAC, Supreme Allied Commander
- SACEUR, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
- SACLANT, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
- SACME, Supreme Allied Commander, Middle East
- SAG, Saudi Arabian Government
- SC, Security, Council of the United Nations
- SCC, Screening and Costing Committee of the Temporary Council Committee, NATO
- SCC, Soviet Control Commission (in Germany)
- SCS, Screening and Costing Staff of the Temporary Council Committee, NATO
- SEA, Southeast Asia
- SecDef, Secretary of Defense
- SecGen, Secretary–General of the United Nations
- Secrep, series indicator for telegrams from the Secretary of State to the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- Secto, series indicator for telegrams to the Department of State from the Secretary of State or his Delegation in connection with conferences of Foreign Ministers
- SED, Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (Socialist Unity Party), the Communist Party in East Germany
- SG, Standing Group of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Council
- SHAEF, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (1944–1945)
- SHAPE, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
- Shapeto, series indicator for telegrams from the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
- Sigto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation at the Intergovernmental Study Group on Germany
- SOA, Office of South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- SovDel, Soviet Delegation
- SPD, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German Social Democratic Party)
- SRP, Sozialistische Reichspartei (Socialist Reich Party)
- SUSRep, Senior United States Representative, North Atlantic Treaty Military Production Supply Board
- SYG, Secretary–General of the United Nations
- TA, technical assistance
- TAFCE, Tactical Air Force, Central Europe
- TCC, Temporary Council Committee, NATO
- Telac, series indicator for telegrams to Secretary of State Acheson while away from Washington
- telcon (telcom), telecommunication conference
- TGS, Turkish General Staff
- TIAS, Treaties and Other International Acts Series
- Todep, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Deputy Representative to the North Atlantic Council
- Toeca, series indicator for telegrams to the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington from its missions abroad
- Toisa, designation for telegrams dealing with matters within the responsibility of the Director, International Security Affairs, Department of State
- Topent, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation on the Screening and Costing Committee of the Temporary Council Committee, NATO, to the Secretary of Defense
- TopSec, Top Secret
- Torep, series indicator for messages from the Economic Cooperation Administration headquarters in Washington to the United States Special Representative in Europe under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948
- Tosec, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of State to the Secretary of State or his delegation in connection with conferences of Foreign Ministers
- Tosig, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation at the Intergovernmental Study Group on Germany
- TRC, Office of Transport and Communications Policy, Department of State
- T.S., Top Secret
- TWA, Trans-World Airlines, Inc.
- TWP, Three Western Powers
- UKDel, United Kingdom Delegation
- UNA, Bureau of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNP, Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs, Department of State
- UNRRA, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
- uragram, your airgram
- urinfo, your information
- urtel, your telegram
- USA, United States Army
- USAF, United States Air Force
- USAFE, United States Air Force, Europe
- USCOB, United States Command (Commander, Commandant), Berlin
- USDel, United States Delegation
- USDep, United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council
- USG, United States Government
- USN, United States Navy
- UST, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
- VOA, Voice of America
- VVN, Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes (Association of Victims of the Nazi Regime)
- WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Department of State; Western Europe
- WERPG, Western European Regional Planning Group
- WFM, Washington Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
- WFTU, World Federation of Trade Unions
- WG, Working Group
- WU, Western Union (Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom), signatories of the Treaty of Brussels, March 17, 1948
- WYF, World Youth Festival
- ZVD, Zentralverband der Vertriebenen Deutschen (Central League of German Expellees)