850.33/6–2151: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt1


8730. Re para two Deptel 8662 June 19, rptd Bonn 175, Paris 6927, London 5989, Strasbourg 34,2 fol is suggested text of reply to Adenauer ltr re Saar:

Begin text. Mr. Chancellor: By ltr dated May 29, the Fed Govt called the attention of the govts represented on the Allied High Commission to the situation in the Saar and raised on this occasion the entire problem of the polit and legal basis of the present status of the Saar.

The govts of Fr, UK and US have noted the views of the Fed Govt as contained in this ltr and reaffirm their earlier declarations that the final status of the Saar remains to be determined at the peace settlement on Ger. With reference to the last sentence of the fourth para of your ltr the common position of the three govts has repeatedly and [Page 1979] publicly been made clear since the Moscow session of the CFM in April 1947.3

The three Govts affirm their support for the maintenance of democratic institutions and individual liberties in the Saar.

The three govts are in full accord that all parties interested in the problem of the Saar shld seek to prevent that problem from becoming a serious element of controversy and thus endangering the common objective of a close and lasting polit and econ assoc of Eur nations, an objective which the three govts know is fully shared by the Govt of the FedRep. End text.

Text of any agreed HICOM draft reply shld be cleared with Dept before dispatch to Chancellor.

Substance of reftel was discussed with Brit Emb June 19 and communicated Fr Emb repr June 20.

  1. Repeated to Bonn, Paris, London, and Strasbourg.
  2. Supra.
  3. For documentation on the fourth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held at Moscow from March 10 to April 24, 1947, see Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. ii, pp. 139 ff.