762A.00/9–1851: Telegram
The Acting Director of the Berlin Element of EICOG (Lyon) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt1
516. PEPCO from Morgan. Our 4918 Sept 17, rptd Bonn 185, Dept 420, Paris 148, London 89, Moscow 101.2 Our estimate Sov intentions behind GDR appeal for “all-Ger conference”:
Fits coherently into continuing Commie drive to stir up and guide Ger movement opposing West-oriented policies and leaders. Real object of appeal is masses, not Bonn. Bonn rejection of appeal probably expected and desired as background for agitation. Proposal all-Ger elections now risked because Sovs believe West too committed in different direction to accept. If Bonn did accept and sent shrewd reps like Wehner to take a strong lead for elections under proper safeguards, at same time avoiding being maneuvered into anti-allied posture and refusing drag out negots, Sovs wld be extremely embarrassed [Page 1782] and cover retreat even more clumsily than at Palais Rose3 or Kaesong.4 (As Grotewohl did March 14—see our D–641 March 205).
In any case there is no sign that Sovs now seriously disposed “neutralize” rather than win Ger. Appeal coupled with increase polemic against West “intervention” and war danger. Continued use of lures for all-Ger talks repeatedly indicated in recent months, with statement that GDR “gains” not to be sacrificed (our D–883 June 22, tel 281 to Fkft Aug 14 rptd Dept 240, Bonn 107, Moscow 535). Hence no likelihood; at present that Sovs wld actually permit elections that West cld possibly accept. Anti-regime sentiment in Sov Zone so great that even half-free elections there, coupled with free elections in West, wld jettison entire Commie political hold on Ger (our D–123 Aug 205). Such concession likely only as last resort at much later stage of world struggle, if ever.
Present move timed to counter public effect of Washington decisions.6 Other perhaps more drastic moves probable in answer to later Western steps this year. Though “constituent council” idea now bypassed, “all-Ger conf is similarly designed as provisional all-German mouthpiece, and unilateral execution of fourth items Praha program remains possible. “Plebiscite” continues, thus pointing to bigger move later. Note Ulbricht still in Moscow. Other possible moves in coming weeks include publication Sov draft Ger peace treaty, Cominform or orbit FonMin Conf, another CFM proposal. [Morgan.]
- Repeated to Washington, London, Paris, Moscow, and Bonn. The source text is the copy in the Department of State files.↩
- Supra.↩
- For documentation on the Four-Power Exploratory Talks at the Palais Marble Rose in Paris, see pp. 1086 ff.↩
- For documentation on the cease-fire negotiations at Kaesong, Korea, see volume vii .↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- For the text of the Foreign Ministers decisions on Germany, see WFM T–5a. p. 1197 and footnotes thereto.↩