762.00/4–2551: Telegram
The United States High Commissioner for Germany (McCloy) to the Secretary of State 1
Unnumbered. PEPCO. Believe Dept will agree with consensus here that HICOG and HICOM should take no official position vis-à-vis proposed Communist plebiscite on “remilitarization” and peace treaty issue (mytel 8454, April 18, rptd Paris 8302) as long as Fed Rep has opened exposure campaign and coalition and SPD appear determined to initiate nation-wide program to discredit and/or ban it (Bonn’s 756 April 20, sent Frankfurt 919; Bonn’s 759 Apr 20, sent Frankfurt 922, rptd Paris unn; and Bonn’s 772, Apr 24, sent Frankfurt 938, pouched Paris3).
Encouraging that this initiative came from Gers themselves and without prodding on our part. Kaiser Min denunciation and communiqué of Apr 18 issued with consultation with us and contained number points made in proposed draft HICOM statement which we have now abandoned. Although Wehner acquainted us with SPD plan to bail plebiscite and solicited our intervention with Kaiser Min on behalf SPD, we adopted neutral position that, while we had no particular objection to Gers banning plebiscite, issue was considered Ger affair. Matter discussed at last PolCom, where viewpoint was that, under circumstances and pending developments there shld be no tripartite statement.
[Page 1769]Believe we shld interpose no obj Fed Rep’s banning plebiscite, if that decision made, or to its instituting through Laender Interior Mins such measures as are deemed necessary, to control plebiscite and punish proponents thereof. SPD, with apparently increasing support of coalition parties, believe that plebiscite is unconstitutional under Art 9 and Art 20 of Basic Law because it is (a) instigated and financed by foreign power (GDR), (b) not conducted under auspices Fed Rep and (c) strategem to subvert and challenge authority of constitutional institutions of Fed Rep. Banning plebiscite wld tend to commit West Gers additionally vis-à-vis GDR and Communism. Further, Fed Rep might gain prestige by such act as many Gers will interpret it as act of strength and positive step toward elimination Commie propaganda which increasing irritant to Ger nerves and patience. Also, SPD leadership in campaign to ban wld subtly commit SPD somewhat further on rearmament issue. Disadvantages (that harassing or banning plebiscite might magnify its importance or that Gers might proceed against Commies in undemocratic fashion) not deemed overriding or necessarily valid.
- Repeated to Bonn, Paris for Jessup, London, Berlin, and Moscow.↩
- Supra.↩
- None printed; telegram 756 reported Wehner’s belief that the Federal Government should take strong measures against the proposed plebiscite, declaring it illegal and unconstitutional; telegrams 759 and 772 reported further reaction to the plebiscite by the Federal Government and noted the increasing concern by the coalition and opposition party leaders. (762.00/4–2051 and 762A.00/4–2451)↩