762A.0221/12–1151: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn1

secret   priority

611. Bonn for McCloy. Brit Emb today presented memo re security controls for Ger containing UK proposal along lines indicated by Eden in para 6, Secto 102, Nov 29, sent Bonn 18, rptd London 248, Paris 338.2

Fol is summary UK proposal: Suggests full HICOM explanation to Adenauer re need of Occupying Powers for undertakings in this field and request for his suggestions re form and manner of undertakings. UK wld be satisfied with Ger Govt declaration simultaneous with entry into force of contractual arrangements and wld be prepared review position when EDC begins to function satisfactorily and when alternative arrangements providing security powers concerned can be made. Remainder UK proposal accepts US proposal Paris FonMins (Secto 65, rptd London 529, Bonn 883) with modification to provide for unilateral Ger declaration rather than contractual convention. End summary.4

Brit Emb Rep stated Eden had considered carefully US and Fr views expressed at Rome mtgs but had concluded above solution preferable to one using EDC as framework, for fol reasons: (1) doubtful [Page 1736] EDC countries, other than Ger, wld be willing to accept controls over armament for purpose settling essentially Occupying Powers–Ger problem; (2) even if this possible, procedure wld further delay buildup Eur armament production and if negots on safeguards unduly prolonged Gers might refuse ultimately to accept them; (3) present uncertainty re form, powers, future development of EDC; (4) difficult domestic Brit factor of justifying turn-over of vital responsibilities re Ger to org of which UK not member.

Brit Emb Rep informed we wld study Brit proposal carefully.

  1. This telegram was drafted by Calhoun, cleared with Jacobs and Lewis, and repeated to London and Paris.
  2. Printed as telegram 18, November 29, p. 1729.
  3. Not printed; for the U.S. proposal, see PAR M–1, p. 1715.
  4. On December 12 Embassy Paris reported that it had also received a copy of the British proposal. Telegram 3501 from Paris, December 12 (740.5/12–1251).