662.00/10–951: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Frankfurt1
2337. Reurtel 3058 Oct 9.2 Expecting ltr from Defense momentarily setting forth Joint Chiefs views formula which might be used for security guarantee. Hope be able give you further info within few days.
Meanwhile, Brit Emb transmitted lengthy aide-mémoire to Dept Oct 9 concerning problem. Main points may be summarized thus:
- 1.
- Adenauer proposals for security and troop-commitment guarantees not only too broad but questionable whether three Allies alone shld make commitments on subj of close concern to all NAT powers.
- 2.
- Adenauer’s proposal for counter-undertaking for Ger cooperation is valuable and some such commitment shld be secured. However, such commitment outside EDC and NATO might encourage Gers demand some form Ger armed force outside EDF under their independent control as means of carrying out their obligations.
- 3.
- Therefore, HMG consider problem shld be dealt with in framework EDC agreement which most natural vehicle for reciprocal agreement binding Gers to cooperate in common defense, especially “so long as Ger membership of NATO is precluded”. Existing three Power security guarantee shld be assimilated to existing NATO obligations and shld in effect constitute reaffirmation those obligations by all NAT powers rather than extension those obligations by three NAT Powers only. HMG wish no special rights or obligations on either side outside collective NATO arrangements (including EDC).
- 4.
- HMG propose Fr Del, supported by US–UK observers, raise in Paris Conference question of defining obligations of EDF members assist one another. EDF agreement wld subsequently be laid before NATO for decision whether interests UK, US and other Powers adequately safeguarded or whether additional action, such as NATO declaration, is desirable.3
First reaction is this proposal may offer desirable procedure for solution security guarantee problem but will give you our views after opportunity further discussion here. Informed similar Brit aide-mémoire handed Fr in Paris.
Wld of course appreciate your comments.
This tel exception first para rptd London and Paris for info.
- This telegram was drafted by Laukhuff, cleared with Barnard, and repeated to Bonn.↩
- Not printed; in it McCloy noted the importance which Adenauer attached to a security guarantee and asked whether any progress had been made toward the formulation of a State–Defense position on the question (662.00/10–951).↩
- A copy of the British aide-mémoire is in file 762A.5/10–851.↩