S/S–NSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 115: Telegram

The Secretary of Defense (Marshall) and the Secretary of State to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe ( Eisenhower), at Paris1

top secret   priority

Def 96731. Noforn from Marshall and Acheson personal for Eisenhower AmEmbassy London England personal for Spofford. [Page 843] Limited distribution. Reference Alo 208. Greatly appreciate expressions of your views contained in your message of July 18 on subject of support for Eur Army concept. We are in complete accord with you that realization of this concept is important in achievement of United States political and military objectives in Eur. We also place great emphasis on French and Germans arriving at some agreement which will allow initiation of German units at earliest possible date and that completion of plan for European defense force should not defer this date.

Developments in past few days at Paris conference have been so rapid that it is difficult for us to judge here at this time where United States influence may be needed. We are therefore in complete agreement with your suggestion that you send an observer to Paris conference. Suggest that you consult Spofford in advance in order that he may have opportunity for prior informal discussion with certain deputies if he considers this advisable.

  1. This telegram and the message to which it replied (Alo 208, July 18, from General Eisenhower included in telegram 382, July 18, from Paris, p. 838) were approved by President Truman at a meeting with Secretary Acheson on July 19; see footnote 2, p. 839.

    This telegram together with telegram Alo 208 were included as annexes to document NSC 115. Regarding NSC 115, see the editorial note, p. 847.