740.5/11–2551: Telegram
The United States Delegation at the Eighth Session of the North Atlantic Council to the Acting Secretary of State1
Secto 77. Fol adopted this afternoon2 as agenda 8th session:
I. Opening statements.
II. Adoption of:
- 1.
- Agenda.
- 2.
- Press regulations.
III. Reports by permanent NAT agencies:
- 1.
- Mil Committee.
- 2.
- Civilian agencies.
- (a)
- Council Deputies.
- (b)
- DPB.
- (c)
- FEB.
IV. Exchange of views on polit matters.
V. Estimate of relative strength and capabilities of NATO and Sov bloc forces at present and in immed future.
VI. Report on readiness and effectiveness of NATO forces.
VII. Statement on progress of work of TCC.
VIII. Statement by Gen Eisenhower.
IX. Ger participation in Western defense.
X. Report by Committee on North Atlantic Community.
XI. Other business, including date and place of next mtg of Council.
XII. Communiqué.