Military cable files, lot 52-246, TCC, 1951: Telegram
The United States Delegation on the Temporary Council Committee, to the Secretary of Defense (Lovett)1
Har 143. TCC meeting Friday2 discussed oral progress report to be made by Chairman in Rome and date of next meeting. Discussion of progress report, which was outlined to meeting by Chairman, brought out following views held by one or more national representatives:
- a.
- Several wished Rome report to make clear that TCC has not yet reached formal conclusions and recommendations. Meeting appeared agreed that guide lines outlined at October meeting should be presented and that nature of the problems developed should be described. The Dutch particularly stressed that no commitments have yet been made by governments in the TCC.
- b.
- Belgium pointed out need for considering organizational changes consistent with any TCC conclusions, stressed need for TCC to recognize goals and objectives in terms of time intervals, and agreed to stressing general goals in report to Rome. The Belgium representative hoped that no national goals would be mentioned as of this stage in TCC studies.
- c.
- Monnet statement indicated he still places greatest emphasis on programming for 52 and questions importance of planning for time periods thereafter, with perhaps limited exception for 53.
- d.
- Italian representative, acting for TCC member, made statement clarifying the view expressed by his minister to EB regarding setting of priorities by NATO commanders. His statement was that Italy could not give a precise answer to the priority proposal until the results of TCC studies were known. Following this statement Chairman pointed out the danger of holding up actions in NATO on the alleged ground that the TCC report must be available and studied before decisions can be taken. Chairman cited German problem as example of a project which might be delayed, using TCC as an excuse, whereas in fact TCC studies must be based on assumption successful German negotiation. There seemed to be general agreement that the TCC should make clear to Council that it cannot give all answers to current NATO problems. Its reports will, in some cases, not go further than identifying certain issues and suggesting means for solution, including further studies and organizational adjustments.
2. The trend of discussion indicated that agreement on TCC report may be difficult and rather time consuming affair unless some procedural short cuts can be evolved. Chairman made closing statement, stressing that in his view the Council had set up the TCC with individuals selected by their governments to act in their personal capacities [Page 356] and to make recommendations on this basis. The report would not itself commit governments. He, of course, recognized that there are certain limitations on this approach. He stressed that if each member of the TCC attempts to project his governments point of view on every point, “the job cannot be done”. Monnet associated himself forcefully with Chairman’s remarks. Plowden not present, but UK representative did not indicate dissent.
3. TCC agreed to meet on 2 December to discuss main issues and problems incident to final drafting of TCC report. It was also indicated that next meeting might discuss aspects of SCS report which is due by that date.
5.3 French now desire to handle analysis of military budget under TCC rather than through bilateral discussions with US. Thus far no progress has been made on this analysis. Since military program for 52 totals about 1550 billion francs and budget therefore is at present questionable matter somewhere between 1000 and 1550 billion, the TCC program for 1952 is materially affected. US and UK members of EB have appointed representatives and we are pressing French to get on with job.
6. For Rome: First draft of Harriman report carried by Vass and Lindeman. Sense will remain unchanged but there will be changes in wording and in degree of qualification of statements therein.
7. New subject: Harriman accompanied by Plowden scheduled depart Orly 1200 hours Sunday in AF 9146.
8. Delegation requests this message be passed to State, ECA and Office Director of Mutual Security Agency.