740.5/1–1051: Telegram
The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State
3817. For Perkins from Spofford and Batt. Re diplomatic status and rank coordination DPB, and Embtel 3681, December 31.1
1. Recommend, of course, that Coordinator2 be given US diplomatic status (passport, et cetera) and high personal US rank. While his position is international, he is, nevertheless, “contributed” by US Government.
[Page 25]2. As to his status in UK, we have discussed with UK deputy who assures us he will be given same diplomatic status as council deputies.
3. As to his status in other NAT countries, he will be holding a position unique, except for that of General Eisenhower, established by action of all 12 NAT governments, who have recognized the vital importance to North Atlantic defense of finding a dynamic leader for the NAT defense production effort. Consequently, there is no doubt that he will be received in other countries as a person of highest rank and importance. There should be no bar, from this standpoint, to his talking to any and all government ministers as the occasion demands. We would expect to formalize the NAT-wide status of the coordinator as an important element in the formal development of international staff of NATO, but hope you will assure Herod that we anticipate not the slightest formal difficulties or lack of recognition of the importance of the job of any NAT governments. [Batt.]