394.31/12–2151: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Belgium


937. 1. Re last sentence penultimate para urtel 854 Dec 21. If Pres accepts Tariff Comm recommendation modified concession will apply “for an indefinite period”. Under Tariff Act gen requirement Tariff Comm investigate and report upon request by Pres. No specific procedures established for Tariff Comm review “escape clause” actions with view possible reinstatement. However FYI problem presently under active consideration but not possible state this time what procedures may be established i.e. hearings, etc.

2. For Confidential info Emb Dept has continued discuss with interested govt Depts possibility setting time limit (para 4 Deptel 897 [899])1 modification of concession but it has been tentatively agreed suggest Pres issue proclamation fol recommendations of Tariff Comm and Exec Order instr Tariff Comm make annual review and report to Pres on all “escape clause” changes. As procedure issuance Exec Order wld occasion some delay consideration being given press release on Pres proclamation which wld mention forthcoming Exec Order. Thus giving interested countries immediate notice our intention assure periodic reconsideration modifications of concessions made under escape clause. Dept hopeful this will provide assurance requested by Belg in para 4 urtel 874 Dec 27 and will advise Emb promptly if Pres accepts foregoing suggestions.

  1. Dated December 19, p. 1554.