394.31/9–2651: Telegram

The United States ( GATT ) Delegation to the Secretary of Stats


Tagg 38. CanDel informs Canad press reported them threatening reprisals to Section 104 in speech here.

Their statement was friendly. Fol is text of relevant portion:

  • “My govt is at present in consultation with the Govt of the US as envisaged under Art XXIII of the GATT when problems of this kind arise. We have been gratified to note the constructive message addressed by the Pres of the US to Congress asking for the repeal of the Andresen amendment. We have been pleased to note the prompt steps subsequently taken by the US admin and the Senate to deal with this matter. I should like to request that this item be retained on the agenda of this session of the contracting parties for possible action at a later date. Depending on the course of events during the next few weeks, my del may wish (at this point the phrase “may wish” was repeated with emphasis) to lodge a complaint and seek the approval in principle of the contracting parties to measures of retaliation against the US. We are not prepared to lodge a complaint against the US at the present time nor shall we do so unless we are convinced that our direct consultations with the US have become ineffective. On the other hand, if my govt should find it necessary to proceed with a formal complaint at this session, my del wld attempt to bring it before the contracting parties at a sufficiently early date to make possible the consideration of this matter at the present session of the contracting parties”.