394.31/9–651: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Bonsal) to the Secretary of State


1491. Embtel 1416, Sept 3. Charpentier informed me today FonOff after further consideration regrets unable support our proposal on terminating US GATT obligations to Czechs, for reasons described as juridicial and of treaty interpretation.

[Page 1402]

FonOff advising Schuman San Francisco that matter may be raised by Secy and is giving Schuman full briefing, including statement our position.1

Sent Dept 1491, London unn, The Hague unn, Geneva unn.

  1. The San Francisco Conference for the signing of the Peace Treaty with Japan had. convened on September 4. A briefing paper prepared for the Secretary of State by the Bureau of Economic Affairs on August 24 is not printed. Its recital of the background and the problem, with the Department’s recommendations, contained no new elements. The paper named 17 countries who were to be at San Francisco who were Contracting Parties to GATT, and 4 countries who were to accede to GATT shortly. (Memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Linder), to the Secretary of State, August 24, 394.31/8–2451)