Truman Library, Truman Papers, PSF–Subject File
The Deputy Secretary of Defense (Lovett) to the
Washington, July 24,
My Dear Mr. President: In accordance with your
request, I return the original of the Report on Guided Missiles program
submitted to you under date of July 10 by Mr. K. T. Keller, together with
the summary sheet attached thereto.1
This Report was cleared through the Office of the Secretary of Defense and
the recommendations contained in the memorandum attached to his letter are
concurred in. Mr. Keller has succeeded in bringing a considerable amount of
acceleration into this program by the application of practical judgment
backed by unusual production experience.
With great respect, I am
Very sincerely yours,
Summary of Report From Mr. K. T.
Keller to the President
Status of Guided Missiles
- 1.
- Since his appointment in October 1950, the Director of Guided
Missiles has studied the status of all guided missile
- 2.
- Highest priority to defense type. Every effort made to coordinate
work already done (since 1944) by using services. Assembly line
method divides time by forty. Knowledge required on the development
of one missile can be applied in the perfecting of later
- 3.
- Under the category of Air Defense Missiles, fourteen are under
development. Of these, three are far enough along for the
establishment of a production facility to produce one thousand,
each, for training and a production line by March 1953 capable of
one thousand per month, each.
- 4.
- Under the category of Strategic Bombing, no project has developed
to the extent of offering usable missiles short of six or seven
- 5.
- Tactical Ground Support Missiles have in several instances gone
beyond the research and development stage and have been placed in
pilot production. However, production of these types are several
years hence.
- 6.
- Navy Support Missiles. A submarine launched missile is in pilot
production as well as an air launched torpedo.
- 7.
- The cost of this program is to be $1,209,000,000 for 1951–1952,
and if the present projects are successful, 1952–1953 should require
1½ to 2 billion dollars.
- 8.
- If the need for guided missiles should arise today, none would be
available for use. It is impossible to predict the exact date that they will be.
- 9.
- Too much unauthorized publicity has been given the subject and as
a result the public has a mistaken idea as to our readiness.
- 10.
- It is recommended that fiscal and priority support be given to
maintain the proposed program for guided missiles as