852.2546/12–1951: Telegram

The Ambassador in Spain (Griffis) to the Secretary of State


632. Deptel 441, Dec 6. Discussed with Franco this morning uranium ore matter. Franco had been advised of purpose of my visit, which apparently followed two-hour briefing session with his own atomic energy comm including Gen Vigon. Franco stated anxious keep matter on govt-to-govt basis and welcomed uranium exploration program Spain. His resistance to proposed declaration of Spanish intent to sell and permit export to US if uranium ore found in excess of Spanish requirements remains unchanged. He firmly stated that the door was not closed but his associates desired further time study implications such agreement. Gives complete assurance that no Spanish uranium wld ever be sold to Communist power. Franco stated that he wld welcome arrival Spain and cooperate with Amer mining engineers and seemed perfectly clear that he desired mining technicians rather than industrial technicians. He stated and I fully concur that greatest progress cld be made in this matter if one or more AEC personnel came to Madrid to clarify discussions looking towards declaration of intent and lay plans for exploration program. Repeatedly stated his unwillingness to proceed now with intent declaration was due to vagueness of Spanish knowledge entire matter uranium development. [Page 794] Stated Spanish geological structures giving indications uranium ore entirely different from Belgian Congo. Stated he had had approaches by various countries including Belg to tie up future Spanish excess production. I did not bring up matter of utilizing Westinghouse to administer exploration program as I felt that that cld best be handled on arrival AEC personnel.

De Cubas, Westinghouse, attempted to obtain for me copy of proposed agreement between Spain and US prepared by Planell, Min Industry, before matter passed from his hands to new commission. Plannell refused draft, stating had no present jurisdiction. De Cubas feels that Franco planning to tie in any uranium ore agreement or statement of intent to program of military aid on proposed arrival US defense mission. This may be possible and agreement cld probably more easily be obtained at that time.

Nevertheless, I urge sending Spain shortly representative AEC together with geologists and mining engineers.
