711.5611/10–1351: Telegram

The Chargé in France (Gray) to the Secretary of State


2172. For Arneson from Terrill.1

1. Fr public interest in amendment to US Atomic Energy Act2has been significant; Paris press giving prominent place and full coverage to news of action by Joint Comite and Senate. Some press stories mention Fr, together with UK, Canada and Norway, as potential collaborators with US under new legislation.

2. FonOff, on behalf itself and Fr AEC, has requested copies radio bulletin texts and NY Times articles on subject. In reply to request by FonOff official for Emb’s comments, Emb officer stated that so far as he knew, the new legislation was of general enabling character, had been under consideration for several years, and was not directed to any specific situation.3 [Terrill.]

  1. Robert P. Terrill, Deputy Counselor for Economic Affairs, United States Embassy in France.
  2. See footnote 2, supra.
  3. A letter from Arneson to Terrill of October 17, responding to the present telegram, stated the following regarding the contemplated amendment of the Atomic Energy Act: “all present prohibitions against exchanging information remain in effect except for special circumstances when information exchanged on a quid pro quo basis will redound to the substantial advantage of the United States.

    “It does not seem likely that France will be one of the countries with which the United States will exchange information, primarily because it is difficult to see what advantage would come to the national security of the United States. Note also the requirements of the amendment concerning security standards.” (Atomic Energy Files, Lot 57 D 688)