855A.2546/3–1451: Telegram
The Ambassador in Belgium (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
1489. Personal for Perkins and Arneson. ReEmbtel 1484, March 13.1 Following is translation of note dated March 13 received today from Van Zeeland2 confirming my conversation reported reftel.
“My dear Mr. Ambassador: You are doubtless aware of the interpellation of which I was the object during the course of last Thursday’s3 session in the Senate on the part of Senator Kluyskens regarding uranium. This interpellation and the support it received from numerous benches in the Senate reveal the state of mind of Parliamentary circles and of Belgian public opinion. I made an evasive and dilatory reply. However, the Government cannot keep the country indefinitely in this state of uncertainty and cannot itself remain in a state of expectancy. The question threatens to cause great difficulty for us.
[Page 703]“I have pointed out this incident to our Ambassador in Washington who together with Mr. Ryckmans, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy is conducting negotiations relative to Congo uranium with the American Government. I should be grateful to you if you would kindly consider possibility of supporting this approach in light of your knowledge of facts which I have recalled above.
“I beg to remain, etc.”