320.2 AC/8–2751

The Secretary of Defense (Marshall) to the Secretary of State


Dear Mr. Secretary: The Joint Chiefs of Staff have formulated the following views regarding the draft position paper, Initial Steps for the United Nations Coordination of Collective Measures Involving Use of Armed Force[s],1 prepared by the State-Defense Working Group on United Nations Collective Measures.

It is noted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the conclusions regarding interim procedures for the integration of national military units [Page 662] into a unified command are largely based upon the experiences of the Unified Command during the Korean operations. Although circumstances surrounding the future employment of United Nations armed forces will vary and may be quite unlike those in Korea, the Joint Chiefs of Staff believe that the Korean experience should provide an appropriate planning basis for the organization of and for the procedures in connection with future operations of United Nations armed forces.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff, from the military point of view, consider that the following principles should, among others, govern the military implementation by the General Assembly of the Uniting for Peace Resolution:

In the event of future aggression requiring the use by the United Nations of armed forces, the General Assembly should confine itself to determining that an aggression has occurred, identifying the aggressor, and designating an Executive Military Authority to conduct operations against the aggressor;
No strategic planning should be undertaken by the General Assembly of the United Nations or any of its organs in connection with the Uniting for Peace Resolution; and
Once United Nations forces are engaged in military operations in accordance with the Uniting for Peace Resolution, the United Nations organization should be used primarily for psychological purposes, for broadening the base of support for the military action, and for encouraging maximum contributions to the collective effort.

It is noted that in paragraph 3 of the discussion in the subject paper, it is stated that in Korea:

“The senior military representative of each nation contributing military forces had the right of direct access to the Commander in Chief of the United Nations Command ‘on matters of major policy affecting the operational capabilities of the forces concerned’.”

This statement, however, is not reflected in the Conclusions in the subject paper. The Joint Chiefs of Staff believe that access to the theater commander by the senior military representative of the armed forces of each nation should be restricted to purposes of discussion of national matters and matters of major policy affecting the operational capabilities of the forces concerned. The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that the conclusion in subparagraph 4(n) of the subject paper be amended accordingly.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that the following points of a logistic nature should be contained in the paper:

  • a. A statement should be made as to the importance of having a contributing state furnish re-supply matériel. This information should be included among those topics listed to be furnished to the Executive Military Authority.
  • b. Experience in Korea has shown that an adequate replacement pool must be maintained in order to insure an effective fighting strength at all times.

Subject to the foregoing comments, the Joint Chiefs of Staff concur generally in the subject paper.

Faithfully yours,

G. C. Marshall
  1. Reference is to document WGCMC D–16a, June 4, 1951, not printed.