The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Franks)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the personal message from Mr. Morrison to Mr. Acheson which was delivered [Page 567] on October 24, 1951. The message was transmitted to and considered by Mr. Acheson prior to his departure for Europe.
As you are aware, during recent months United States officials have made progress in working out a program for the regulation, limitation and balanced reduction of all armaments and armed forces to be submitted to the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly. This program was brought to the attention of the President of the United States within the past week and has received his approval. A copy of the approved program was furnished to your Government on October 24, 1951. The Government of France has likewise received a copy of the proposed program.
After giving full consideration to the factors set forth in Mr. Morrison’s message, the United States has come to the conclusion that on balance the advantages of submitting a program of this nature to the General Assembly outweigh the disadvantages.
Despite the shortness of time prior to the General Assembly, I am hopeful that agreement can be reached for the submission of this item to the General Assembly as a joint program by the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and the United States and that a tripartite declaration by the heads of the three respective governments can be made at the time of the convening of the forthcoming General Assembly.
Accept [etc.]
[File copy not signed]