Disarmament Files, Lot 58 D 133
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
Memorandum of Conversation With the President
Item 1. Disarmament Proposal
I left with the President the memorandum relating to the disarmament proposal.1 After outlining to him the recommendations made, I reminded him of the fact that in Annex A to the NSC paper we had put in for illustrative purposes the figures of one per cent of the population or a million men, whichever was less.2 I said that we had left it out in the document presented to him, and that there were some reservations about it in the Defense Department. I pointed out that some of my advisors believe that some illustrative figures would have to be mentioned or that the proposal would lose its impact without concrete illustration. I asked the President to consider the possible use of the amendment which had been handed to me by Mr. Hickerson and Mr. Jessup.3 The President will consider the whole matter and wishes to have another appointment with me before I go.4
I think Mr. Battle should arrange this with Matt Connelly5 for an hour tomorrow or Wednesday after the President has had a chance to read the memorandum.
- Supra.↩
- See subparagraph 36(a) of Annex A to document NSC 112, July 6, p. 493.↩
Reference is to the following amendment suggested by Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador at Large, which is attached to the file copy of the October 19 draft “Outline of Program,” not printed:
- “Add to 4c (1): ‘To illustrate: if the ratio were established at 1% of the population and the ceiling at 1 million, countries having a population of 100 million or over would be entitled to a maximum force of 1 million and countries with a population of less than 1 million would have proportionately smaller forces.’ “ (Disarmament Files, Lot 58 D 133)
- Regarding further consideration of the matter on October 23, see editorial note, p. 551. Acheson departed by ship for Europe on October 25.↩
- Matthew J. Connelly, Secretary to the President.↩