320/2–1051: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)


704. Reurtel 1139 Feb 9.2 We look upon initial meeting of GA Committee to study coordination activities of AEC and CCA as one devoted to organization and avoiding a substantive debate.3 Without requiring strong positions by US on organizational problems, following views are provided for general guidance. Re name of committee: almost any name would be satisfactory which is responsive to GA Res; one possibility is Ad Hoc Committee to study the Coordination of the Activities of AEC and CCA. Re Rules of Procedure: UNAEC rules of procedure would seem to be adequate and avoid difficulties involved in drafting new set of rules. At initial meeting SYG could be asked to circulate before next meeting draft based on AEC rules for consideration and approval at next meeting. Re Chairman: while SYG will open meeting, one of first steps should be to have a temporary Chairman appointed from among members. Perhaps as non-controversial an approach is to suggest alphabetically first country. This would mean Brazil. Re program of work: while we are open to suggestions, best approach at this time appears to be to keep agenda flexible, permitting any Delegation to submit such views as it may care to introduce. Once there are views to discuss, Committee will be in better position to judge necessity or desirability of fixing a specific plan of work. Re date of next meeting: this can be [Page 444] left open. While US is prepared to meet at any time, others, such as the UK, may wish to see 3 to 4 weeks interval for purposes of getting instructions. This is all right with us. Re Chinese representation question: standing instructions apply to any effort to seat Chinese Communists.4 US should actively oppose and vote against any proposal to unseat representatives of National Govt of China if question reaches voting stage.

Informal exchanges with friendly members of Committee would perhaps be helpful on these and related points. US paper on substantive matters is under preparation and will in due course be available for introduction into Committee, giving substantive views on work assigned to Committee.

  1. Not printed.
  2. At its 323d Meeting, December 13, 1950, the General Assembly adopted resolution GA 496 (V), titled “International Control of Atomic Energy.” This resolution established “a committee of twelve, consisting of representatives of the members of the Security Council as of 1 January 1951, together with Canada, to consider and report to the next regular session of the General Assembly on ways and means whereby the work of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Commission for Conventional Armaments may be co-ordinated and on the advisability of their functions being merged and placed under a new and consolidated disarmament commission.” For complete text of resolution GA 496 (V), see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. i, p. 124.

    For an account of the work of the Committee of Twelve, which met nine times between February 14 and September 28, 1951, see the report of the Committee, document A/1922, October 23, 1951, p. 552.

  3. For documentation on the question of the representation of China in organs of the United Nations, see vol. ii, pp. 209 ff.