264. Telegram From the Station in Iran to the Central Intelligence Agency1
TEHE 707. Suggest pass [less than 1 line not declassified] soonest:
1. Request you inform Shah that U.S. Govt has taken following steps to support him:
[Page 672]A. Arranged world press interview to establish fact Shah has acted legally in interest his country.
B. Supported his new Prime Minister by bringing his credentials (firmans) to attention of Iran and whole world.
C. Brought heavy pressure upon Chief of Staff Gen Riahi to arrest Mossadeq.
D. Protected safety of Gen Zahedi.
E. Arranged to bring Shah’s case to country. Army is still his and looking for his orders.
F. Religious leaders go to country tomorrow in Shah’s behalf.
G. Make it clear to country Shah forced by Mossadeq temporarily to leave.
2. If Shah has not already done so desire he reaffirm Zahedi’s position as acting constitutionally. Must save lives and inspire those who now know first time what their King wants. Situation bad but may improve.
3. Zahedi plans to issue appeal to country. He has not given up and will do best carry out orders Shah. Great strength remains army and church Zahedi now plans utilize.
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency. Secret. Transcribed specifically for the Foreign Relations series from microfilm in the Central Intelligence Agency that no longer exists. See “Sources” chapter. [text not declassified]↩