Abbreviations and Terms
- AA, anti-aircraft
- ADPC (also AD/OPC), Assistant Director for Policy Coordination
- AFP, Agence France-Presse
- AIOC, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
- ALR, Arthur L. Richards
- Amb, Ambassador
- AmConsul, American Consul(ate)
- Amer, American
- AP, Associated Press
- ARAMCO, Arabian-American Oil Company
- ARMISH, United States Military Mission with the Iranian Army
- AWD, Allen W. Dulles
- BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation
- B/D, barrels per day
- BMI, Bank Melli Iran
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- BNE, Board of National Estimates, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- BOB, Bureau of the Budget
- Brit, British
- CFM, Council of Foreign Ministers
- CGSAC, Commanding General, Strategic Air Command
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CINCNELM, Commander in Chief, United States Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
- cld, could
- CNE, Chief of the Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- C/NEA (also CNEA), Chief of the Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- Col., Colonel
- Cominform, Communist Information Bureau (informal name of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties)
- Conf, conference
- Cons, Consuls; Consulates
- conv, conversation
- COS, Chief of Staff; Chief of Station
- C/PAD, Chief of the Political Action Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- CUCTU, Central United Council of Trade Unions (Iran)
- DADPC, Deputy Assistant Director of Policy Coordination, Central Intelligence Agency
- DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
- DCOS, Deputy Chief of Staff
- DD/A, Deputy Director for Administration, Central Intelligence Agency
- DDCI (also D/DCI), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
- DDE, Dwight D. Eisenhower
- DDI (also DD/I), Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- DDO, Deputy Director for Operations, (successor to the Deputy Director for Plans), Central Intelligence Agency
- DDP (also DD/P), Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- Depcirctel, Department circular telegram
- Dept, Department
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- DI, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- dissem, dissemination
- div, division
- DMS, Office of the Director of the Mutual Security Agency
- DO, Directorate of Operations (successor to the Directorate of Plans), Central Intelligence Agency
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DOS, Department of State
- E&E, escape and evacuation
- Emb, Embassy
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- EXIM, Export-Import Bank
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
- FGW, Frank G. Wisner
- finan, financial
- FNU, first name unknown
- FOA, Foreign Operations Administration
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FY, fiscal year
- FYI, for your information
- G–2, military intelligence
- Gen. (also Genl.), General
- GER, Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- GOI, Government of Iran
- govt, government
- grp, group
- GTI, Office of Greek, Turkish, and Iranian Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State
- HIM, His Imperial Majesty
- HMG, His/Her Majesty’s Government
- HQS, headquarters
- IAC, Intelligence Advisory Committee
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ICJ, International Court of Justice
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- immed, immediate
- inf, infantry
- intnatl, international
- IranGov, Government of Iran
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JHW, John H. Waller
- JIC, Joint Intelligence Committee (UK)
- KR, Kermit Roosevelt
- KUBARK, cryptonym for Central Intelligence Agency
- KUCLUB, cryptonym for Office of Communications, Central Intelligence Agency
- LWH, Loy W. Henderson
- MA, military attaché
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- mbrs, members
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- ME, Middle East
- MFA, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- mil, military
- milatts, military attachés
- MilGov, Military Governor
- milsitrep, military situation report
- Min, Minister
- Min Court, Minister of Court
- MinFonAff, Minister for Foreign Affairs
- MinInt, Minister of the Interior
- morn, morning
- MSA, Mutual Security Administration
- natl, national
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NE, Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State; Near East
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State; Near East and Africa Division, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- negots, negotiations
- NF, National Front (Iran)
- NIACT, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NIC, National Intelligence Council
- NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
- NIOC, National Iranian Oil Company
- NMF, National Movement Faction
- Noforn, no foreign dissemination
- NSC, National Security Council
- OCB, Operations Coordinating Board
- OCI, Office of Current Intelligence, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- ODACID, cryptonym for Department of State
- ODDI, Office of the Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- ODYOKE, cryptonym for U.S. Government
- OIR, Office of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- ONE, Office of National Estimates, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence
- OPC, Office of Policy Coordination, Directorate of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- ORR, Office of Research and Reports, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- OSD/ISA, International Security Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- OSO, Office of Special Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- PED, Petroleum Policy Staff, Office of International Materials Policy, Department of State
- PM, Prime Minister; paramilitary
- pol (also polit), political
- PP, psychological and political
- PPS, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- PriMin, Prime Minister
- PSB, Psychological Strategy Board
- recd, received
- reftel, reference telegram
- Ret., retired
- RG, Record Group
- ROK, Republic of Korea
- rpt, repeat
- rptd, repeated
- RSFSR, Rossiyskaya Sovetskaya Federativnaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
- SAC, Strategic Air Command
- shld, should
- SIS, Secret Intelligence Service (UK)
- SNIE, Special National Intelligence Estimate
- SO, Special Operations
- Sov, Soviet
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- svc, service
- TCA, Technical Cooperation Administration, Department of State
- TCI, Technical Cooperation Administration Mission in Iran
- TEHE, Tehran
- UK, United Kingdom
- UN, United Nations
- unn, unnumbered
- ur, your
- urtel, your telegram
- US, United States
- USA, United States Army
- USAF, United States Air Force
- USG, United States Government
- USN, United States Navy
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- VOA, Voice of America
- Wash., Washington
- WBS, Walter Bedell Smith
- WE, Western Europe
- wld, would
- Z, Zulu time (Greenwich Mean Time)