795.00/6–2550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea

top secret

618. For Muccio. This telegram in no way dilutes your present authority and discretion ref evacuation plans. Now being considered utmost urgency by highest US officials what immediate US aid or action possible under circumstances. From this distance it appears very important to keep military advisers actively associated Korean army in accordance with instructions contained para three capital FOX CMA WARX 90992 of 01 July 19491 unless situation clearly renders impossible or futile. Greatest concern here is whether Korean army can pull things together for brief period required for US decision and action or help.

For your info we hope matter of hours get decision whether CINCFE receives full authority to furnish his discretion ammunition, arms and equipment without regard existing MDAP programs as well as decision on action CINCFE might be authorized to take directly [Page 157] to influence situation based on safety US citizens. Obviously vigorous fighting by Koreans with what they have and heroic initial effort are essential if any action by us is to have chance take effect. Urtel 940 just arrived and underlines need Koreans now do superhuman job until other factors begin to operate. Dept Defense concurs. Copy this message being furnished CINCFE.

  1. This telegram, not printed, had established the terms of reference for KMAG at the time of its inception; see Sawyer Military Advisors in Korea, pp. 121, 123.