357.AD/11–1450: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations

top secret

Gadel 116. Urtel 825, Nov 14, last para. As indicated by Deptel 2487, Nov 13, to London and certain other posts, Dept fully recognizes justified interest and concern particularly those govts whose forces participating in action in Kor over mil decisions of Unified Command which might entail possibility of extension of area of hostilities and will continue to keep such govts informed, as far as possible in advance of taking such decisions, in order that they may express their views to which full consideration will be given.

With respect to second question, view of Dept that six power draft res of Nov 10 must be considered as a whole and therefore, affirmation of policy of holding Chi frontier with Kor inviolate must be interpreted in relation to preceding para which calls upon CC to withdraw forces now in Kor, and subsequent para which calls attn to grave danger which contd intervention by Chi forces wld entail for maintenance of this policy. It wld appear difficult to assert that CC cld continue indefinitely to claim protection afforded by one section of res without accepting corresponding obligations of other sections.
