795B.00/10–3050: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations
Gadel 78. Deptel 452 Oct 281 transmitting text Civil Affairs Directive for occupation North Korea.
This directive is being issued to Gen MacArthur pursuant to para 4 of the Interim Comite Res of Oct 12, 1950, and is believed fully to conform to text of that res as well as Gen Assembly Res of Oct 7, 1950. It also conforms to principle Ross expressed to Comite on Oct 13.2
In accordance with para 6 of IC Res of Oct 12, IC shld immediately be informed of substance of this directive on a strictly confidential basis pending decision re timing and method of releasing to press info concerning directive.
If considered desirable you may inform the IC that this directive is immed being issued to Gen MacArthur as a matter of urgency because of necessity of establishing promptly minimum of essential civil administrative machinery necessary to prevent starvation, disease and unrest, and of discharging responsibilities conferred upon UC under para 4 of IC Res of Oct 12. Upon advance into northern part of Korea, UN forces have found that, without exception so far as is known, all officials at all levels of North Korean regime, have fled their posts, and thus there have been no local auths which cld be made responsible for essential service to civil population.