746G.00(W)/10–1350: Telegram

The Consul General at Hong Kong (Wilkinson) to the Secretary of State

[Extract] secret

787. I. Political.

Crossing of 38th parallel by American troops brought prompt reaction from Peking in form of renewed warning that Chinese people could not “stand idly by” with regard to “serious situation created by invasion of Korea by US and its accomplice countries in dangerous trend towards extending war”. Although news caused flurry in hypersensitive gold market, it did not seem to alter generally-held Hong Kong opinion that Chinese Communist unlikely become militarily involved.

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Department pass Crypto for Army for CINCFE, CINCPAC, COMSEVENTHTASKFLT, CINCFE pass COMNAVFE, pouched AmEmb Taipei, AmLeg Saigon, and American Consulate Hanoi. Joint WEEKA 41 from SANA.
