795B.00/6–1150: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State


842. Re Embtel 840 to Department.1 Gaillard, UNCOK Deputy Principal secretary, with Korean interpreter, reached ROK forward [Page 103] CP closest Yohyun about 1530 yesterday, remained under cover till about 1815. Intermittent exchange rifle, MG fire near by positions since about hour previous arrival, continued till 1800.

AP, UP, Reuters correspondents, Australian military observers with Gaillard at forward CP, remained there able observe conference through glasses after Gaillard crossed parallel. UNCOK Foreign Office clearance for Gaillard not transmitted local commander through military channels, who reluctant permit Gaillard proceed. Accompanying Foreign Office official finally took responsibility, signing document accepting same.

Firing stopped about 1800. Gaillard, Korean interpreter, crossed parallel about 1845 unchallenged, no guards visible. Before reaching Yohyun station Gaillard met three North Korean emissaries as named in broadcast, remained in conference at table on platform till return south about 2020. Gaillard given, signature necessary for, four copies “Democratic Front” communiqué previously broadcast, which includes statement UNCOK not permitted participate unification program. North Korean emissaries refused accept UNCOK documents from Gaillard, stating only messengers, unable act without instructions, in any case thoroughly familiar Jamieson, Singh broadcasts, UNGA Korea resolution. Gaillard still unreturned Seoul; remained Paekchon overnight.

Embassy estimates although North Korean regime able secure some propaganda advantage from incident, claiming officially met UNCOK informing him North Korean desire peaceful unification through elections, without UNCOK participation, major advantage with UNCOK and ROK. First time UNCOK made any contact North Korean regime despite repeated attempts, establishing precedent. Both UNCOK, ROK official positions unification highest desirability, but only through democratic North Korean elections UNCOK observed. ROK propaganda probably able exploit this thesis.

Department pass Moscow; sent Department 842, repeated info Moscow unnumbered.

  1. The text of this telegram read as follows:

    “Pyongyang Radio off air since 0900 without replying UNCOK; reopens 1200 for two hours. Gaillard, with ROK Foreign Office clearance, and Foreign Office official accompanying, proceeding by jeep vicinity Yohyun await possible clearance. Expects proceed parallel afoot 1600 testing reception.” (995B.40/6–1050)