
Memorandum by the Deputy Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Johnson) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Rusk)

top secret

Subject: Declaration Concerning Action Against Submarines in Event of “North Korean” Submarine Attack.

In accordance with your instructions, I called on Capt. Orem1 at the Navy this afternoon to discuss the above subject. I informed him that the Department was entirely sympathetic to the Navy’s problem and was confident that a mutually satisfactory solution could be reached. I also informed Capt. Orem that it was the view of the Secretary of State that, regardless of the forum in which the final decision was reached, the President should be informed thereof. Specifically, I informed him that it was the view of the Department that:

The proposed area should be limited to the maximum possible degree to the waters immediately adjacent to Korea and the shipping lanes between Japan and Korea so as to permit USSR vessels reasonable freedom of movement from Dairen and Vladivostok if they did not choose to submit to the required procedures.
Full notification of the action should be made by all means available, including formal notification to all governments through the UN.
Not less than 48 hours should elapse between the public declaration and the initiation of the proposed attacks, during which period the present self-defense measures would operate.
Consideration be given to making the declaration at this time rather than awaiting an overt attack.

Capt. Orem was personally receptive to a further limitation of the area and we discussed various alternatives without reaching any final decision.

He indicated the Navy concurred on the proposals relating to notification including the 48 hours period of warning.

Capt. Orem was inclined to the belief that initiation and announcement of this action prior to an overt attack was not necessary or desirable, it being his personal view that an attack was more likely to be made by Chinese Communist forces against our vessels operating off Formosa, and that it would be desirable not to have any more differentiation than essential between the action permitted our forces operating in the Formosa area and that in the Korea area.

It was agreed no further action by the Department was necessary at this time, and that the Navy would again initiate action taking into consideration our views on the return of Admiral Sherman to Washington.

  1. Capt. Howard E. Orem, Director, International Affairs, Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations.