330/8–950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations


123. Dept has considered alternatives set forth your niact 240, Aug 9 and is in agreement with you that alternatives 1, 4, 5 and 6 are unsatisfactory and shld not be followed.

As to alternative 3 to establish comite under Rule 28, Dept does not believe this wld be satisfactory solution. In first place, to propose comite and to bring proposal to vote might require another 2 or 3 days procedural wrangling if Sov in his capacity as Chairman chose. This procedural wrangle wld simply compound parliamentary quagmire re invitation to South Koreans. Secondly, establishment comite is much less clearly procedural decision than an invitation to participate. Indeed, under Para 4, San Francisco Statement an argument with color of legal validity can be made that establishment of such [Page 550] comite constitutes investigation (see experience Czech case). Dept doubts therefore desirability of overriding double veto on that decision when Council is unwilling override double veto on invitation to a party to dispute which is clearly and expressly set forth paras 2 and 3 SF Statement as procedural decisions.

Dept continues believe alternative 2 is best procedure follow and there is set forth below Dept’s philosophy underlying that view. Dept believes however it is important as matter principle not to give up position that SC decision of Jun 25 is valid and continuing decision SC which Pres has duty put into effect. It might be possible if agreeable to reps South Kor to achieve in practical effect what Malik seeks prevent by having US rep or another SC member read to SC any statement or statements South Korean reps wld make had they been not prevented from participation by illegal presidential action.

In Dept’s view, best procedure for dealing with situation in SC during remainder Aug is to take advantage of unique opportunity which attention that SC meeting now getting throughout world provides. Our statements in SC shld set forth our own natl policy in intensive effort to solidify unity of UN Members supporting Korean action and to win over peoples of Asia and Far East. Our speeches in SC shld stress the substantive themes which wld be stressed if orderly debate on Korean question was now in process. We shld not be diverted by Sov tactics of reducing SC discussion to procedural wrangle. As practical matter it is easy for us and any other member to say in SC what we wish to say under the agenda item as adopted no matter what parliamentary ruling the Pres may make as to precise question under debate. We can support frequent meetings of SC during remainder August at which there can be developed by us and by other SC Members the theme presented to Council in questions which Amb Austin put to meeting Aug. 8. We can embellish and enlarge at length the nature of Communism in Asia; we can stress the contrast between Communism and real nationalism, real independence and real freedom; we can stress the imperialism of Communism in contrast to our own espousal of freedom and independence for Asiatic peoples; we can set forth our views as to the ultimate destiny of Korea and the Korean people. In short, we can stress all themes which we have in common with the Asiatic peoples and de-emphasize by proper clarification collateral questions on which we differ with them such as the seating of Chi Commies which has little bearing on real issue of freedom or Soviet imperialism in Asia. We shld not hesitate to make long speeches if they wld carry an effective appeal to the Asiatic people. Nor shld we be afraid of departing from any parliamentary limitations set by SC Pres.

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USUN has already statement supporting our substantive Res on localizing conflict. Dept is setting up working parties to provide further material for further statements to be delivered in Council to carry forward the propaganda war.

Suggest you discuss this approach as matter of urgency with other SC Members and if agreeable to them put this program into operation at Meeting Aug. 10.
