330/7–2950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations


80. Reur 163 July 29. Dept is of the view that strong lies at this juncture of the Korean crisis is called for and with that view in mind it desires that you impress upon your friendly colleagues the importance of strong SC action. In the context of this view Dept interprets the word[s] “Calls upon” as an order.

Dept perceives no objection to your merger of paras 3 and 4 which as revised wld read as follows: “Calls upon all States to refrain from action which might lead to the spread of the Korean conflict to other areas and thereby further endanger international peace and security”.

Dept perceives no objection to your tabling this Res late Monday (July 31) for SC meeting on Tuesday to secure priority of consideration over any substantive proposal which Malik might introduce. We shld maintain and hold the initiative. If USUN believes it more desirable or advantageous to table Res at SC meeting Monday afternoon (July 31) it may do so.
