330/7–2750: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 27—1:18 p. m.]
140. Confirmation of telecon with Popper, UNA, following his text of UN draft resolution on emergency relief, assistance, and medical aid in Korea as received from Cordier:
“The SC, concerned by the destruction and suffering caused to the people of Korea as a result of the invasion by the NK forces,
“Desirous of providing for immediate and effective relief to aid the people of Korea,
“Recalling the provisions of its resolutions of June 25 and June 27, 1950 relating to assistance to the ROK,
“Request all governments as a matter of grave urgency to furnish such assistance as is within their means for the relief of suffering in Korea,
“Authorizes the Secretary General and the unified command, established under the resolution of July 7, to provide in consultation the necessary administrative procedures and organization for the mobilization [Page 480] and distribution of relief supplies and for the employment and direction of relief personnel;
“Requests the Secretary General to make available such personnel as is necessary to assist in the conduct of the relief operation in Korea and to make reports to the SC and to the ECOSOC on the progress of the relief effort,
“Requests the ECOSOC:
- “a. To urge the specialized agencies, the UNICEF, and other appropriate organizations to assist the relief effort in Korea in every way possible.
- “b. To receive and consider reports by the Secretary General on the progress of the relief effort, and
- “c. To consider plans for longer term economic assistance to the people of Korea”.