The British Embassy to the Department of State 1
Message From Mr. Bevin to Sir David Kelly Dated 20th July, 1950
Following is text of Aide-Mémoire2
His Majesty’s Government observing that the Soviet Government have issued a version of the recent talks between Mr. Gromyko, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, and His Majesty’s Ambassador in Moscow on the Korean question, wish to restate their views so that the Soviet Government may be under no misunderstanding regarding their attitude.
[Page 438]2. His Majesty’s Government have noted the views of the Soviet Government on the question of the participation of representatives of the Chinese People’s Government in the Security Council. On this point His Majesty’s Government have already made known their policy, namely, that it is a question which must be decided on its own merits by a majority.
3. The immediate issue, however, is that of stopping hostilities in Korea, in regard to which His Majesty’s Government wish to reaffirm their support for the resolutions of the Security Council. In the view of His Majesty’s Government the restoration of peace in Korea cannot be made conditional on the settlement of other issues.
4. Noting the expressed desire of the Soviet Government for a peaceful settlement, His Majesty’s Government wish to reiterate the hope already expressed by His Majesty’s Ambassador that the Soviet Government will use their influence with the North Koreans to bring about an immediate end of hostilities and the withdrawal of North Korean forces to the northward of the 38th parallel.
- A manuscript note in the source text indicated that this document was handed to Mr. Rusk at 3 p. m. on July 20.↩
- A previous telegram from Mr. Bevin to Sir David Kelly, a copy of which (not printed) was transmitted by the British Embassy to the Department of State, had instructed Sir David to deliver this aide-mémoire to the Soviet Government at the earliest possible opportunity (795.00/7–2050).↩