
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Miss Barbara Evans, Personal Assistant to the Secretary of State


Participants: Secretary of Defense Johnson
Secretary Acheson

The Secretary telephoned Secretary Johnson to find out whether his Department had any comments on the draft of the suggested Presidential [Page 283] Message to Congress and the Joint Resolution on the Korean statement.1 Secretary Acheson pointed out that he thought it would be possible to get a resolution through if it were confined solely to Korea, without mention of Formosa or Indochina. He felt that such a resolution would be helpful during the time ahead. Secretary Johnson said that the question was in Secretary Acheson’s field and he would follow whatever course Secretary Acheson wished.

Secretary Acheson suggested that, if Secretary Johnson agreed, a recommendation from the two Departments should be gotten up by late afternoon, and that the President might be requested to meet this afternoon with State and Defense people, and any other advisers he wished, in order to decide what he wanted to do about the statement and resolution.

The Secretary suggested that he send over a copy of the latest draft so that General Burns and Secretary Finletter and others might go over it. Secretary Johnson indicated that he would be glad to have such a draft sent over, but that it should go from Mr. Matthews to General Burns, Secretary Acheson said he would so send it, and Secretary Johnson said he would see that General Burns received a memorandum on the subject from the Service Secretaries to Secretary Johnson.2

  1. Neither the draft Presidential Message nor the draft Joint Message is printed; the “Korean statement” is a reference to President Truman’s statement of June 27, p. 202.
  2. For further discussion of the draft Presidential Message and the draft Joint Resolution, see the memorandum of conversation by Mr. Jessup of the meeting at Blair House on July 3 at 4 p. m., p. 286.