795.00/6–3050: Telegram
The Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald) to the Secretary of State
top secret
Tokyo, June 30,
[Received June 30—8:05 a. m.]
[Received June 30—8:05 a. m.]
688. Had brief telephone conversation with Muccio at 1730 in which he spoke of desperate and rapidly deteriorating situation. He said he had spent most of night and practically all day with top Koreans and [Page 255] key members National Assembly and feels he can hold them in line a little longer. Danger, however, is that they might soon panic. He strongly urged all out effort before situation out of hand.1
- At 6: 50 a. m. (EDT), a teletype conference had been held with HQ, FEC in Tokyo by officers of G–2 in Washington along with officials of the Department of State and other agencies (DA TT–3441). The Tokyo conferees reported that the ROK army had suffered 60 percent casualties, was reduced to a strength of 30,000 as against 100,000 North Koreans, and was low in morale; they also reported that the civilian population was very pessimistic and that, the Government was in a disorganized state (795.00/8–2550).↩