Memorandum of Teletype Conference, Prepared in the Department of the Army
Nr: TT–3444
Subject: Korean Situation
References: CX–56942;1 JCS–846812
washington (csa) | tokyo (cincfe) |
Gen J Lawton Collins, CSA (mc) | G/A Douglas MacArthur, CINCFE |
Lt Gen A M Gruenther. OCSA | Maj Gen E M Almond. C/S |
Lt Gen T B Larkin, G4 | Maj Gen A P Fox, DeP C/S SCAP |
Mai Gen A R Boiling, G2 | |
Maj Gen Charles L Bolté, G3 | Maj Gen C A Willoughby, G2 |
Brig Gen James E Moore, SGS | Maj Gen G L Eberle, G4 |
Brig Gen C Schuyler. Jr., G3 | Brig Gen E K Wright. G3 |
Mr Dean Rusk, State | Brig Gen G I Back, SIGO |
Mr N W Bond, State | Lt Col J H Chiles, SGS |
Washington: DA–1
Authorization proposed in your CX–56942 will require Presidential decision which will take several hours for consideration. Meanwhile, your are authorized in accordance with Paragraph 2B JCS–84681 to move one RCT immediately to Pusan Base Area. This will be amplified in our telecon scheduled for 300800Z. (End DA–1)
Washington: DA–2
I was present at White House conference late afternoon June 29th when decision was made by President to authorize action covered in JCS 84681. Tenor of decision clearly indicated to me that the President would wish carefully to consider with his top advisors before authorizing introduction of American combat forces into battle area.
Will not authorization given you in DA–1 permit initiation of movement? Prior to completion of this movement, we should be able to obtain definite decision on your proposal. Does this meet your requirement for the present? (EndDA–2)
[Page 251]Tokyo: FEC Item 1
Your authorization, while establishing basic principle that US ground combat troops may be used in Korea does not give sufficient latitude for efficient operation in present situation. It does not satisfy the basic requirements contained in my message C 56942. Time is of the essence and a clear cut decision without delay is imperative. (End Item 1)
Washington: DA–9
Ref FEC 1.
I will proceed immediately through Secretary of Army to request Presidential approval your proposal to move RCT into forward combat area. Will advise you soon as possible, perhaps within half hour. (End DA–9)
Washington: DA–3
Did FEAF carry on any operation north of the 38th parallel after receipt of JCS 84681? If so, what were the results?
General Church in message A–10 recommended aerial bombardment on troop concentration along north bank of Han River in Seoul area. Was this attack delivered and if so, with what results?
Are any bridges remaining over Han River in Seoul area? (End DA–3)
Tokyo: FEC Item 3
Reur DA–3:
FEAF made strikes on North Korean airfields north of 38 degrees. Reported results good on field near Pyongyang but no detailed reports of strikes yet received.
FEAF made B–26 strikes along north bank of Han River at 1100 and 1450. Results not reported other than little indication of enemy activity west of Seoul. This not substantiated by later report following.
Three railroad bridges still remain over Han south of Seoul. They are being covered with wooden planking for vehicle use and covered by artillery direct fire. (End Item 3)
Washington: DA–4
Have Reds any facilities for transporting any heavy equipment across Han River? (End DA–4)
Tokyo: FEC Item 4
Reur DA–4:
Yes. Ferry and barge services and planking of RR bridges vicinity Seoul. Bridge repairs by North Koreans reported. (End Item 4)
Washington: DA–5
Press dispatch just received reports break through across Han east of Seoul. Have you any confirmation? (End DA–5)
[Page 252]Tokyo: FEC Item 5
Reur DA–5:
Yes. (End Item 5)
Washington: DA–6
In part one of your last SitRep CX 56923 reference made to unconfirmed report that Soviet officers are with North Korean forces in Seoul and some Chinese and Soviet troops employed.
Have you received any confirmation of these reports? (End DA–6)
Tokyo: FEC Item 2
Reur DA–6:
Reports probably true but no definite proof or confirmation. Yak pilot interrogated Thursday afternoon reports Russian colonel as airbase commander assisted by some 15 lower rank Soviet personnel. (End Item 2)
Washington: DA–7
What is your latest information on results of US naval operation in Korean waters? (End DA–7)
Tokyo: FEC Item 6:
Reur DA–7
U.S. naval operations in Korea waters not of positive nature to date. Cruiser Juneau and destroyer Dehaven on east coast near 38 parallel, destroyers Mansfield and Swenson proceeding up Korean west coast. Generally report lack of floating targets. (End Item 6)
Washington: DA–8
What is your estimate as to time until RCT can be in action in Suwon area?
Do you contemplate moving it by air?
Can you move heavy equipment and artillery into that area by air? (End DA–8)
Tokyo: FEC Item 7
Reur DA–8:
Not feasible to make such an estimate until full extent of breakthrough at Han River is determinable. In any event movement by air would be impossible in view of lack of security of Suwon airhead. (End Item 7)
Washington: DA–10
Your recommendation to move one RCT to combat area is approved. You will be advised later as to further build up.3 (End DA–10)
[Page 253]Tokyo: FEC Item 8
Reur DA–10:
Acknowledged, is there anything further now? (End Item 8)
Washington: DA–11
Everyone here delighted your prompt action in personally securing first hand view of situation. Congratulations and best wishes. We all have full confidence in you and your command.
Nothing further here. (End DA–11)