
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Rusk)

top secret

Subject: Swedish Approach to Chinese

Participants: Mr. Erik Boheman—Swedish Ambassador
Dean Rusk—Assistant Secretary of State

The Swedish Ambassador called on me at noon today to tell me that Ambassador Hammerstrom had delivered to Vice Foreign Minister Chang the views which we had suggested to Mr. Boheman on December 22. Mr. Hammerstrom reported that he was “coldly received”. He said that Chang asked a few questions about the proposition of the cease-fire commission, that Chang referred to the speech which had been made by Chu-Teh outlining the Chinese position,1 that Chang had also mentioned the six points contained in Chou-en-lai’s recent statement.2 Mr. Hammerstrom had the impression that he would probably hear again from Chang but that he anticipated that Chang’s reply would be in the form of additional questions.

Mr. Boheman said that he would let us know if his Government received anything further. I thanked him and asked him to thank his Government for their cooperation.

  1. Reference is to an address made at a mass meeting in Peking on December 24, held to celebrate the recent North Korean and Chinese victories in Korea and to welcome the Chinese Peace Delegation returning from the Second World Peace Congress in Warsaw; the text of the address is printed in People’s China, January 16, 1951, Supplement, p. 8.
  2. For text, see telegram Delga 461, December 24, p. 1594.