795.00/12–1950: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald) to the Secretary of State


CX–51634. This is Sebald’s unnumbered. Department pass Seoul. UN Command deeply disturbed by continuing reports of inhumane treatment of political prisoners by ROK. ICRC delegate Korea has sent full report on subject to Geneva and similar report being hand carried this date to President Rhee by ICRC delegate Tokyo. Complaints center around (1) atrocious conditions existing in Seoul prisons and (2) brutal and arbitrary mass executions of alleged political prisoners, including women and children, by ROK authorities. These executions reported having particularly demoralizing effect on British forces, in whose area many of killings have taken place. British troops reported on one occasion to have disarmed firing squad before execution could take place.

UN Command has regarded trial and punishment of collaborators and other political offenders as internal matter for ROK and has consequently refrained from taking any action with regard thereto beyond bringing atrocity reports to attention responsible ROK authorities. Representations of UN command and American Embassy Seoul appear from continuing reports to have had little effect, however, and it is feared these excesses may serve to cast discredit on entire UN Korean effort.

This message for information and possible comment.
