295.1122/6–2750: Telegram
The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 26, 1950—11:12 p. m.]
Unnumbered. Counselor Drumright accompanied by Commander Seifert, Naval Attaché, Lt. Colonel Edwards, Military Attaché, J. Stewart, Public Affairs Officer, Prendergast, Third Secretary, Ivo Fatigati, clerk, Branch, JAS motor officer, left via motor 10 a. m. today to follow Korean Government south.
I am remaining at ROK national defense headquarters accompanied by Berry, clerk, Morgan, JAS commission officer, Smith, JAS motor officer, MacDonald, Third Secretary, Edwards, security, Holland, KMAG, and Lynch, Military Attaché. My party plans to leave with last KMAG party for Siheung 1500 today possibly proceeding Taijon under cover darkness if situation deteriorates.
[Page 185]All other personnel include 33 KMAG, 20 UNCOK,1 14 Chinese. 5 British. ECA and JAS to be airlifted. If airlift fail, for [apparent garble] up to 150 can be transported by motor south.
Exceptions to above are Bishop Patrick Byrne and Father Carroll of Apostolic delegation who remaining Seoul in their quarters time being.
Repeated information Tokyo.