
The President of the Republic of the Philippines (Quirino) to President Truman 1

My Dear Mr. President: I was happy to read the text of your letter, dated June 1, 1950,2 which has been transmitted to me by [Page 1460] Ambassador Myron M. Cowen through Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Carlos P. Romulo, in advance of the signed original.

A proper regard for the abiding interest which you, Mr. President, and your government, have in the welfare of my country and my peoples moves me to express my concurrence in your proposal to form an American economic mission which will come to the Philippines to examine the entire economic situation, make recommendations, and advise the Philippine Government in working out a program which the United States Government might consider in its efforts to assist the Philippines.

There is scarcely any need, at this juncture, to review the course of the negotiations concerning this project of the United States Government. Suffice it to say that the arrangement outlined in your letter is accepted by the Philippine Government on a basis of cooperative procedure indicated therein and out of a desire see this enterprise carried out.

I appreciate your assurance that the US Government, and in particular, the US Survey Mission, will seek the fullest cooperation of all Filipinos who are concerned about the problems of the country. No other group of Filipinos will be in a better position to render such cooperation than the group of experts which I have designated, and to which reference is made in your letter. I am gratified over your statement that their advice will be availed of by the Survey Mission and by the US Government at every opportunity, for, to quote your own words, no American Mission, lacking such cooperation, “could be expected to produce a program and suggestions which would be helpful to the Philippines or susceptible of consideration by the US.”

The Philippine Government is prepared to receive the US Survey Mission at any time, and to place all necessary facilities at the disposal of the members to assist them in their work.

I am grateful to you for your kind inquiries about my health and most specially for the spirit of helpfulness which inspires your esteemed letter. I have never for a moment doubted the continued interest of the US in the future and welfare of my country and people.

Your personal interest has made it more patent. I pray that Divine Providence may give us continued strength and well-being to discharge our grave responsibilities at this critical time.

Sincerely yours,

Elpidio Quirino
  1. The text of a draft of this letter, given to Ambassador Cowen by Foreign Secretary Romulo on June 10, was transmitted in telegram 1697, June 11, from Manila, not printed (896.00/6–1150). Telegram 1037, June 14, to Manila, not printed, instructed that the proposed reply was wholly acceptable to the United States (896.00/6–1150). Following slight drafting changes by Philippine authorities, the final signed version of this letter was reported upon in telegram 1761, June 19, from Manila, not printed (896.00/6–1950) and was transmitted as an enclosure to despatch No. 796, June 20, from Manila, not printed (896.00/6–2050),
  2. Supra.