
Memorandum by the Consultant to the Secretary (Dulles) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Thorp)1


On the theory that circumstances may make it desirable to act expeditiously to bring about peace with Japan on the basis of a simple Treaty, Mr. Allison and I have drawn up the annexed as a possible alternative to the long form previously circulated,2 and on which we should appreciate your comments.

J[ohn] F[oster] D[ulles]


Draft #2

The United States, _______ and _______, hereinafter called the Allied and Associated Powers, and Japan, desire that henceforth their relations shall be those of nations which, as sovereign equals, cooperate in friendly association to promote their common welfare and to maintain international peace and security.

Accordingly they have concluded this treaty.

Chapter I


1. The Parties declare and agree that the state of war between them is ended forthwith.

Chapter II


2. Subject to the provisions hereof and of any other relevant treaties, the Allied and Associated Powers accept the full sovereignty of the Japanese people, and their freely chosen representatives, over Japan and its territorial waters.

[Page 1268]

Chapter III

united nations

3. Japan, as a peace-loving nation prepared to accept the obligations contained in the Charter of the United Nations, will promptly apply for membership in that Organization and the Allied and Associated Powers which are Members of the United Nations will support that application.

Chapter IV


4. Japan recognizes the independence of Korea and will base its relation with Korea on the resolutions adopted by the United Nations Assembly on December ____, 1948.

5. Japan accepts whatever decision may hereafter be agreed upon by the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and China with reference to the future status of Formosa, the Pescadores, Sakhalin south of 50° north latitude and the Kurile Islands. In the event of failure in any case to agree within one year, the parties of this treaty will accept the decision of the United Nations General Assembly.

6. Japan accepts the action of the United Nations Security Council on February ____, 1947 (?)3 with reference to the trusteeship of former Japanese mandated islands and will accept any decision of the United Nations which extends the trusteeship system to all or part of Ryukyu and Bonin Islands.

Chapter V


[Here follow the security clauses of this draft. Though renumbered, they are identical in substance to the draft security articles of July 25, except as noted otherwise in footnotes 1, 2, and 3 thereto. Text forms the attachment to the memorandum of July 27 from Mr. Dulles to the Secretary, page 1260. The “note” to that attachment does not appear in the present draft.]

Chapter VI

political clauses

11. Japan will continue to be a party, or if not now a party will seek adherence, to the multilateral treaties and conventions designed to prevent the misuse of narcotics, to conserve fish and wildlife, to prevent traffic in women and children and in general multilateral [Page 1269] treaties designed to promote the general welfare of the world community.

12. Pre-war bilateral treaties between the parties may be kept in force or revived at the election of either party upon its notification to the other within six months. Such bilateral treaties shall be subject, however, to the provisions of Article 102 and 103 of the United Nations Charter and the provisions of this Treaty.

13. Japan renounces all special rights or interests in China.

14. Japan will respect the sentences imposed by military tribunals of the Allied and Associated Powers on persons who are incarcerated in Japan. The power to grant clemency, reduce sentences, parole and pardon may be exercised by Japan only with the approval of the Government or Governments which imposed the sentence in each instance. In the case of the persons sentenced by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, such power may be exercised by Japan upon the approval of a majority of the Governments represented on the Tribunal.

Chapter VII

claims arising out of the war

15. Except as herein provided, the Allied and Associated Powers and Japan reciprocally waive claims against each other for acts taken during the state of war hereby ended.

16. Each of the Allied and Associated Powers will have the right to retain and dispose of all Japanese property rights and interest which were within its territory at any time between December 7, 1941 and September 2, 1945 excepting: (a) Property used for diplomatic or consular purposes; and (b) Property belonging to religious, charitable, cultural or educational institutions and used exclusively for non-political purposes.

17. Japan will restore the property in Japan of the Allied and Associated Powers and their nationals and, to the extent that this property has been lost or damaged as a result of the war, will make compensation in Yen equal to _______% of the amount necessary at the time of payment (a) to purchase similar property, or (b) to restore the property to its condition on December 7, 1941.

18. Japan declares its readiness promptly to negotiate and conclude with each of the Allied and Associated Powers treaties to put on a stable and friendly basis the commercial, trading and trademark relations between them. No such treaty shall extend to any one of the Allied and Associated Powers treatment more favorable than that extended to any other. Pending the conclusion of such treaties, Japan will extend to the governments, nationals and properties, business and trade of each of the Allied and Associated Powers the most favored [Page 1270] nation treatment and will not take, as regards them, any discriminatory or confiscatory action.

Chapter VIII

settlement of disputes

19. Any dispute between the Government of an Allied and Associated power and the Government of Japan concerning the interpretation or execution of the present Treaty which is not settled through diplomatic channels, mixed claims commission, or otherwise shall, at the request of a Party to the dispute, be referred for decision to the International Court of Justice.

Chapter IX


20. The present Treaty shall come into force between Japan and any Allied and Associated Power signatory hereto when ratifications by such two Parties shall have been deposited with the government of the Allied and Associated Power in question.

21. Except for the provisions of Article 13, the present Treaty shall not confer any rights and benefits upon any State which shall not have executed or adhered to and ratified the present Treaty.

  1. Copies of this draft had been sent to Messrs. Kennan, Rusk, Nitze, Fisher, and Hamilton on August 7.
  2. Copies of the long form draft as it had evolved by July 18 and August 3, 1950, together with extensive covering memoranda and commentaries, are filed under 694.001/7–1850. The long form draft was in 44 articles and 8 annexes. It included no security provisions.
  3. Corrected in later drafts to April 2, 1947. For documentation pertinent to the negotiation of the Trusteeship Agreement for former Japanese-mandated islands in the Pacific, concluded on that day between the United States and the U.N. Security Council, see Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. i, pp. 204219.