124.05/9–1450: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


In view increased capability indigenous Commie movements in SEA, particularly Indochina, due closer collaboration with Chi Commies, [Page 142] Dept requests increased intelligence reporting be conducted by Service Atts and Polit Officers your post along fol lines:

The end of wet season in SEA, approx Sep–Oct, is expected offer increased opportunity anti-govt forces that area institute increased armed opposition. Because of ability such forces receive material assistance from Commie Chi, any info available from your post noting such activities will be exceedingly valuable, including negative reports.

Increased road and rail lines communication in South China are reported now sufficient to support not only troop movements to Indochina frontier but heavy war material. Info urgently needed to supply intelligence concerning Commie intentions in coordination with above cited evidence of increased capabilities.

In addition usual sources of info, Dept suggests fullest use Chi Language Officers, monitoring local Chi press, and reporting opinions leaders Chi communities (where applicable).

Reporting evidences increased anti-colonial line in liberal or left wing newspapers, likewise “Soviet peace offensive” line.

Dept requests special effort by posts to evaluate carefully info passed in response this request. Posts directed repeat to other concerned posts replies sent Dept this respect.

Services have been requested extend fullest cooperation this matter.

  1. Sent for action to New Delhi, Karachi, Rangoon, Bangkok, Singapore, Djakarta, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, and Manila; sent to Saigon, Paris, London, and Moscow for information.