Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State for
Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (McGhee) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political
Affairs (Matthews)
top secret
[Washington,] August 30, 1950.
Subject: “A New Approach in Asia”.
I attach a paper entitled “A New Approach in Asia”, which is a revision
of an earlier paper entitled “A New US Policy toward Asia”.
[Page 137]
The latter was submitted to
you and discussed in your office early this month. The present version
has been drafted in the light of comments within the Department on the
previous paper, the responses from Ambassadors Henderson and Warren1
to our query concerning the desirability of closer consultation with
Asian governments,2 and recent developments in the Korean and
Formosan situations.
I am circulating the attached paper to various officers of the Department
for comment. I do not think that a meeting is necessary at this stage,
although I may wish to impose upon you when the comments are in.3
I should, of course, welcome any views you may wish to express on the
paper or its handling.
Policy Paper by the Assistant Secretary of State
for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (McGhee)4
top secret
[Washington, August 30, 1950.]
A New Approach in Asia
The Issue
Much of Asia is unconvinced of our devotion to peace, our lack of
imperialist ambition and our interest in Asian freedom and progress.
These doubts derive in large part from Asian misunderstanding and
suspicion of our decisions and actions, in Asia and elsewhere in the
world, directed toward containing Communist expansion. The free
Asian governments resent what they conceive to be our disregard of
their views and interests, particularly with respect to problems
arising in Asia. This conception of the US attitude is in part a
consequence of the fact that our moves in Asia frequently take the
form of hasty responses to Communist initiative and that we seek the
support of the free Asian governments after we have decided and
Unless we can establish a more intimate relationship with the free
Asian governments and convince them, and through them the Asian
peoples, of the true nature of US interests and intentions, Asia
will continue to be unsympathetic to our actions and unresponsive to
[Page 138]
needs. Should the
present estrangement between Asia and the US grow rather than
diminish, the whole of Asia, except those areas where we or our
non-Asian allies can maintain direct military control, can fall to
Communism. If we are to avert this disaster, we must seize the
initiative from the Communists and win the support of free Asia.
The Objectives
- 1.
- To increase free Asian participation in and responsibility for
the solution of problems arising in Asia.
- 2.
- To strengthen the ability and determination of the free Asian
countries to maintain peace and resist Communism in Asia.
- 3.
- To minimize direct US military involvement in Asia west of the
Japan-Okinawa-Philippines defense line.
- 4.
- Eventually to eliminate Communism as a force in Asia.
The Assumptions
- 1.
- We should risk serious over-commitment if we undertook to
contain and eventually to eliminate Communism in Asia by force,
whether by ourselves or with the assistance of our non-Asian
- 2.
- Certain of the free Asian countries, particularly India and
Pakisthan have the capability of controlling Communism in their
own territories and of making a significant contribution to its
elimination elsewhere in Asia, provided that they receive
assistance from the US and other free nations in their efforts
to build economic and political stability and military
- 3.
- Nationalism is the strongest force in Asia. The free Asian
governments and peoples have as their primary goal the
prevention of foreign interference in their affairs. They are
becoming increasingly aware of the foreign inspiration of
domestic Communist activities and of Soviet imperialism’s threat
to national independence in Asia. Their attention is, however,
still diverted from the Communist threat by their preoccupation
with the Asian remnants of nineteenth century colonial empires
and their suspicions of the Western European colonial powers.
The potential strength of nationalism as a force against
Communism cannot, therefore, be fully realized until the US and
other Western countries commit themselves to eliminating all
vestiges of colonialism in Asia.
The Plan of Action
- 1.
- Pursue studies within the Department and consultations with
Congressional leaders, both now in progress, looking toward (a) Congressional acceptance of the
concept of an expanded Asian economic
[Page 139]
aid program, (b)
discussions with appropriate free Asian Asian governments on the
nature and scope of such a program and (c) the preparation and submission of the program to the
Congress for legislative action early in the next
- 2.
- Undertake on an informal basis more intimate consultation with
key free Asian governments on our foreign policies and
contemplated actions in the foreign field, and encourage those
governments to consult more frankly with us.
- 3.
- As part of the foregoing consultations, explore with the free
Asian governments at appropriate times possible solutions, where
practicable within the UN framework, of such problems as the
future of Korea, the future of Formosa, a peace treaty with
Japan and arrangements for Japanese security, Chinese
representation in the UN and the future of Indochina.
- 4.
- Keep the UK Government and, to a lesser extent, certain other
Commonwealth governments and the French currently informed of
our progress under this plan of action. At an appropriate stage,
possibly in early 1951, hold top secret discussions with the UK
Government looking toward the maximum practicable coordination
of US, UK and Commonwealth policies and actions with respect to
South and Southeast Asia.
- 5.
- Step up official output on Asia for the US public stressing
the determination of the Asian peoples to control their own
destinies, our historic interest in the political and economic
progress of the peoples of Asia, and the current, urgent need of
the free Asian countries for assistance in carrying out their
plans for such progress. In the foreign field, intensify USIE operations in free Asia and
covert psychological warfare activities in Communist China
emphasizing the following themes: US interest in the welfare,
progress and freedom of the Asian peoples, Soviet imperialism,
and the importance of the UN as a growing force for world peace
and progress.
- 6.
- Meet the most urgent requirements of the free Asian countries
for military assistance not available from other sources and
required to maintain internal stability and to strengthen
resistance to Communism.
- 7.
- Encourage the free Asian governments to persuade the Chinese
Communist regime that cooperation with the free nations of Asia
is the only way to escape domination by the USSR, to participate
in an Asian development program and to assure independence of
all Asia from outside domination.