851G.00R/5–2050: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in France 1

secret   niact
verbatim text

2313. Fol is final text of ltr of intent to be delivered by Bruce to Pres of Fr Union and by Gullion to three Associated States in Paris and Saigon respectively in early morning local times on Wed, May 24 (disregard former delivery time announced Deptel 2221 May 16):2

“I have the honor to inform you that the Govt of the United States has decided to initiate a program of economic aid to the States of [Page 818] Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. My Government has reached this decision in order to assist Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to restore stability and pursue their peaceful and democratic development.

With these purposes in mind, the United States Government is establishing, with headquarters in Saigon and associated with the US Legation, a special economic mission to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. This mission will have the responsibility of working with the Governments of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and with the French High Commissioner in developing and carrying out a coordinated program of economic aid designed to assist the three countries in restoring their normal economic life. The members of the American economic mission will at all times be subject to the authority of the Government of the United States and will not become a part of the administrations of the Associated States.

The Government of the United States recognizes that this American assistance will be complementary to the effort made by the three Associated States and France, without any intention of substitution. American aid is designed to reinforce the joint effort of France and the governments and peoples of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, on whom rests the primary responsibility for the restoration of security and stability.

United States economic aid will be granted in accordance with separate bilateral agreements between each of the Associated States and the United States of America. The approval of these agreements will be subject to legal conventions existing between the Associated States and France, Initial economic aid operations, however, may begin prior to the conclusion of these agreements.

The United States Government is of the opinion that it would be desirable for the three governments and the French High Commissioner to reach agreement among themselves for the coordination of those matters relating to the aid program that are of common interest. The American economic mission will maintain contact with the three Associated States, with the French High Commissioner in Indochina and, if desired, with any body which may be set up by the Associated States and France in connection with the aid program.

Mr. Robert Blum has been appointed Chief of the U.S. special economic mission to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

Identical letters are being addressed today to the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the President of the French Union.”

Emb and Leg shld agree on mutually convenient Press release time May 26 and inform Department soonest to enable plan timing Washington.3 Ltrs delivered to reps of each of three Associated States by Gullion shld, in last sentence, include statement that identical ltrs are being addressed to the Govts of the other two States and the Pres of the Fr Union.

  1. Repeated to Saigon for action as telegram 314.
  2. Not printed.
  3. The letters were delivered by Bruce and Gullion on May 24; the text was released to the press by the Department of State on May 25.